300 contradictions in the bible

Posted on 14 april 2023 by dr challoner's high school fees

Some Muslims accuse Christians of corrupting the Bible. We run into the same kind of thing with the gospel writers. Does The Quran Affirm The Teachings Of Paul: Christian Missionarys Use Of Surah 61:14. Thus eight would be /III IIII, but eighteen would be /III IIII with the addition of a horizontal line and downward hook above it. Zakariah (pbuh) also in his old-age prayed for a son, and God heard (accepted) his prayers, and John the Baptist was born. Use your hobbies and interests to find the best place for you to serve. No opening is left for another two times. And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do to his people (Exodus 32:14). Christianitys critics cast doubt on the New Testaments reliability by pointing out disparities in the Gospels. MECCA/MAKKA is a city while Kaaba is the holy shrine or a Mosque, if you are ignorant it is better to keep silent and learn with the knowledgeable people. When you see lists of contradictions in the Bible posted on the internet, you typically see a group of rehashed claims that were debunked long ago. 3- Textual variants and integrity problems, and Abrogation. Therefore prediction (a) failed. (a) They worshipped him, saying, Truly you are the Son of God (Matthew 14:33), (b) They were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened (Mark 6:51-52). MOST OF THE ARTICLES MENTIONED BELOW WERE COMPILED AND WRITTEN BY CHRISTIANS,EX-PRIESTS AND SCHOLARS OF THE BIBLE. Its obvious that the disciples knew Jesus prior to their decision to follow him full time. The Limit of Childrens Obedience To Their Parents. Theyre only assuming this and are using it as fact. I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked. Prophets prayers were answered. Did Jesus Blessing of Thomass Testimony Mean That Jesus Agreed With Thomas Calling Him God? The disciples asked him Why do you speak to them in parables? He said, To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given (Matthew 13: 1 0-11). The Dream Bible: The Definitive Guide To Over 300 Dream Symbols. Is God three-in-one and one in three simultaneously or one at a time? Jesus (pbuh) prayed God to protect him. However, the Bible as a whole shows that good works demonstrate faith. A young man in a white robe (Mark 16:5). A serious forgery in Luke 24:44-48 about Jesus resurrection on the third day claiming that it was foretold in the OT when it wasnt! And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat. As it turned out, however, David opted for Gods third preference, and thereby received three days of severe pestilence, resulting in the deaths of 70,000 men in Israel. bro welcome to this blog you can prepare and write any topic pertaining to islam. Did the Disciples of Jesus really die for the trinity and/or crucifixion lie? [LUK 6:20-23], If they sin against thee, (for there is no man that sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them to the enemy, so that they carry them away captives unto the land of the enemy, far or near; [KI1 8:46], If they sin against thee, (for there is no man which sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them over before their enemies, and they carry them away captives unto a land far off or near; [CH2 6:36], Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin? When the musk was constructed and why is not pointed to Petra? As with many of these numerical discrepancies, it is the decade number that varies. How were those followers of Jesus considered Christians without ever hearing the term Trinity? [LEV 11:6]. In Matthews version, the withering happens immediately after Jesus curses it (Matt. If we disrespectful to our Creator how come we can be respectful to others people? How does he know they were inspired? The Problem. The reconciler of the Bible enlarged: wherein above three thousand seeming contradictions throughout the Old and New Testament are fully and plainly reconciled / by J. T. and T. M. .. London: Printed for Simon Miller , 1662. The Bible on Slavery: What the Christian Scholars say. The work God gave to Jesus is completed??!!! There are a large number of Christians who think that the Bible is inerrant and infallible because it was inspired by their god, similar to the way that Muslims think that the Koran must be 100% correct because their god directly dictated it to their prophet. Rabbits do not bring up anything; they let it go all the way through, then eat it again. It is the word of Man, who where inspired by God. See how the Bible translators are not truthful. The Bibles overwhelming errors and corruptions are unanswerable! And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. [JOB 26:11], All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. The title start with 1000 contradiction but its only 100 or may be 200. Now it could be that Jesus said both of these things at different times, but its also likely that Matthew felt it was extremely important to clearly communicate the spiritual significance of Jesus words. $17.54. (a) One thousand and seven hundred (2 Samuel 8:4). There are many liberal scholars who mock these dramatic differences between the four biblical gospels, since they do not represent the same consistent larger story, the same meanings, and are not told in uniform language and This is one of the reasons that scholars have long held that we have Jesus authentic voice (ipsissima vox) rather than his exact words (ipsissima verba). Accusing him of having a poor understanding is hardly an intelligent answer! SAHIH AL-BUHKARI BOOK 59 HADITH 713 where is written that 1 Chronicles emphasized the three-year period in which the famine was to be most intense, whereas the author of 2 Samuel includes the two years prior to and after this period,??? They all fled and deserted Jesus. Paul nullified and contradicted the point of Baptism. From Matthews point of view, the centurion was speaking directly to Jesus through the elders. (By Bassam Zawadi), False Prophecies about the Day of Judgement in the Bible. There is not ONE SINGLE claim or hard evidence in the Bible about GOD Almighty being 3, or that Jesus is our Creator. Looking up different translations of Scripture can help you understand what a passage is really saying. Pauls Delusions: In 1 Corinthians 7:40, he claimed that he thinks that he has the Holy Spirit in him! WebFor God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil ( Genesis 3:4-5 ). Biblical Contradiction: Is Gods Law Perfect? What did Judas do with the blood money he received for betraying Jesus? Lk.1:26-31. Why did he allow for the Bible to get corrupted? And to him we are Muslims. (Quran 3:84. (a) One a colt (Mark 11:7; cf Luke 19:3 5). 5) How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem? My response to Sam Shamouns rebuttal on Luke 24:44-48. Famous Theologians and Historians believe that Paul was not truthful. who will cease someone daughter,wife and wealth and he will say is God that asked him to do so,,,,hmmm. [Matthew 1:6-16] and [Luke 3:23-31]. This apparent contradiction is best illustrated by looking at Genesis 2:19 . They named their site 101 Clear Contradictions in the Bible. Ironically, their own quotes below refute them! According to Christians, he was crucified. But if you look deeper into their context, you see that they actually support each other and the larger story being told throughout the Bible. These are a thousand clear, irrefutable Biblical verses which totally go against each other in contradiction. Apart from Jesus did anyone else ascend to heaven? all rights reserved for: https://answeringchristian.wordpress.com/tag/bible-errors-and-mistakes/. If Christianity is false, then Can you explain why some of the disciples and also early Christians were executed for their beliefs? The Book of Jeremiah which came approximately 826 years after did indeed confirm this corruption. Some people are determined to disagree no matter what. In the second example a contradiction would be Matthew stating Judas died from hanging and Acts saying Judas didnt die from hanging, he jumped off a cliff. Then we can further discuss on various topics , let me known if you are interested. When the cock crowed once, the three denials were not yet complete (see Mark 14:72). Prayer of Jesus in the garden, and ordering his disciples to buy swords supports that Jesus and his disciples wanted to protect themselves. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. This means that most of his words had to be translated into Greekmaking every quote an interpretation. Faith Founded on Fact also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. Here is the order in the first (Genesis 1), the Priestly tradition: Day 1: Sky, Earth, light For many centuries before the printing press was invented, the only way to make copies was by hand. If you still stick to the thought that Jesus (pbuh) loved to die for the sins of the world, Please do think again, even Bible doesnt support it.!!!!!!!!! [LEV 11:13-19], Of all clean birds ye shall eat. Genesis 6:19-20 refers to 2 of every animal. it says in John 5:37: And the father himself which Has sent me, has borne witness of me. When did the disciples return to Galilee? Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind. To study the Gospels is to study the foundation of Christianity, and in Four Portraits, One Jesus, author and professor Mark Strauss provides an expert and understandable introduction to these first four books of the New Testament. Doublets are two episodes which are typically in the same gospel that critics claim came from the same story. 145:9) God is love. [1 John 4:16], And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham. [Gen 22:1], Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man. [James 1:13], And he cast down the pieces of silver into the temple and departed, and went out and hanged himself. [Matt. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, still thou hast denied me thrice. [SA2 6:23], But the king took the two sons of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whom she bare unto Saul, Armoni and Mephibosheth; and the five sons of Michael the daughter of Saul, whom she brought up for Adriel the son of Barzillai the Meholathite: [SA2 21:8]. [PSA 58:8], And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. Must you become a better person so that God will accept you? For Instructors and School Administrators. Here is a typical response by those Christians who use and promote the modern versions. (a) God did (2 Samuel 24: 1) (b) If ten people go to a circus, they will all give you a different report on what they saw. 10:46), Two angels at the tomb (Lk. It is a little self contradictory to stand in the pulpit and say the word of God is inspired, when in his heart the pastor knows he is not referring to any book here on this earth that people can hold in their hands and believe. Can GOD change his mind? He simply shines a spotlight on one individual. Evolution In The Gospels: Jesus Healing Capabilities? He said if you dont have the sword, sell your cloak and buy one. The second chapter of John explains that during the Passover, Jesus went to the temple in Jerusalem, made a whip of cords, and drove out the money changers who were doing business there. The Bible is one of the most scrutinized books in the history of literature and has endured. The Truth About Abraham and his SON Ishmael, Peace be upon Them. (b) Three (I Chronicles 21:12) How much clearer can it get than this? If you want to understand the holy scriptures humble your self and repent of your sins. ii. 13. It is hard to believe something else. dont you think that is your BIBLE? WebContradictions. On the oter hand the Quran is claimed to be the direct word of God. We dont worspip the Book, we worship our God. no Christian has the courage to try. All inspired by Muhammad; The White Prophet with Black Slaves! The New Testament calls for the death of all Jews who reject Jesus as Christ. Of the Israelites who were freed from the Babylonian captivity, how many were the children of Pahrath-Moab? Fairy tales and fables in the Bible say the Christian and Bible theologians themselves! None of these are contradictions. Matthew 21:5 By saying a donkey and then on a colt, the foal of a donkey Zechariah is using classic Hebrew sentence structure and poetic language known as parallelism, simply repeating the same thing again in another way, as a parallel statement. It has to be understood in context I find this amusing because it comes from the same crowd that likes to push likewise extracted verses that support their particular view. Do you know where Muhammad come from? This verse shows that the earth is stable. (b) No. thank you very much my brothers and may the Almighty Allah reward you abundantly. Solomon built a facility containing how many baths? Yet, the people who produced copies of the Bible could make small mistakes, as likely happened in this case. As you read the explanations, youll learn approaches you can take when you find difficult passages in the Bible. Solomon and the idols contradiction in the Bible. See the comments from the NIV Bible itself. No special Biblical knowledge needed. Here two questions get raised : 1. This defender of the faith answers: Was Ahaziah forty-two or twenty-two (per 2 Kings 8:26) when he ascended the throne? Although both religions are far from the origin, at least Christians dont hurt or kill anyone like Muslims. Repent and humble your self and make sure your name is written in the book of life before is to late. Jesus ministered to a lot of people in a lot of different places. 14:39). [MAR 9:40], And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us. good point sir, but the question is where is the word of God? Muslim jesus loves you and he wants to set you free. It is currently published by Prometheus Books, 700 East Amherst St., Buffalo, NY 14215. Responding to Answering-Islams (wildcats) debate Review. But the Bible I have found to be accurate, reliable, and inspired. Contradictions in the Bible allow for a variety of expression, imagination, proposition, and creativity. Well, no matter the claim, many ask what the real number of contradictions is in the Bible. Does that also mean that there was no complete god then, between the claimed crucifixion and the claimed resurrection? And when his armourbearer saw that Saul was dead, he fell likewise upon his sword, and died with him. b) Three months and 10 days (2 Chronicles 36:9). Ball, et al., available for nine dollars from the American Atheist Press, P.O. (funny thing that an omniscient god would forget things), Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the fact of the earth. [Num.12:3], And Moses was wrothAnd Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? The Noble Quran, in Noble Verse 9:34 makes a Prophecy about many of the Christian ministers will always devour peoples wealth. If they are so contradictory, how has it passed the historical document test? . Dr. Tommy Mitchell, AiGU.S., explains why in Genesis 19:13, two angels claim they When you realize that the gospels were written in Greek, the fact that Jesus probably spoke Aramaic becomes very significant. Every one who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God.. (I John 5:1). Here is an example of the Quran borrowing a story from the earlier scriptures without understanding its meaning or significance, and therein lies the assumption behind the supposed contradiction. Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others. A copyist error is not a contradiction. We all have a story. They give us independent reports exactly as each claims. 9) When did David bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem? Thats why Muslim will be around attacking Christian because they know deep inside thats jesus is the way. Because God provided what the law He set up in Exodus required by sending Jesus to be the payment for the sins of everyone. By religion and surrender at the end of the day when you are struggling with your self Allah and Muhammad cannot do anything for you. athiesm is not a solution to humanbeing the only solution is submission to the will of the allmighty God [John 1:18], And he said, Thou canst not see my face; for there shall no man see me and live. [Ex. But Jesus loves us and he died for our sins. WebBolerium Books; 2141 Mission Street #300 San Francisco, CA 94110 Hours: Bolerium Books is now open by appointment. Its having a Godmother and Godfather present for the baptism of a child. In this gospel the wrapping with spices had been done before the Sabbath (John 20: 1). Or is the real number 1001 Bible contradictions like you see here? How many overseers did Solomon appoint for the work of building the temple? (Matthew 28:8, New International Version), When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. (By a new convert to Islam), Christianity Contradicts the Bible! What was his name? WebAddressing the problem of contradictions in the Bible, the original text of the Gospels and the topic of translations. I want to present what I found in the Bible to my friends & other Christian brothers & sisters. 14:1624), Matthews parable of the talents and Lukes parable of the minas (Matt. Part II. But it is possible for you to put Jesus first in your life while still showing respect for your family members and obeying your parents good guidance. The masoretic scribes were very scrupulous in copying their sacred trust. How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ? Remember our battles are invisible. I heard some of my friends saying that, No one dies for us, not even our parents. The Reason Why There Are Different Gospel Authors According to Christians. I can show you, that we have bible copies from more than 300 years and more elder than islam, and there is nothing written about mohamed and other islamic beliefs. After that, Jesus decided to go to Galilee (John 1:43). When you add up all the categories, you get the exact same total. Each of the Gospel accounts tells an angle of the resurrection story. Its that simple! God says it was good after each of his labors, and rests on the seventh day, evidently very satisfied. Box 2117, Austin TX 78768-2117. [] https://wardoons.wordpress.com/debate/ [], Assalamualaikum..I cant access the links they are not working can u plz send them to me jazakallahu khaiiran. please read the contradictions with free mind, if you are a fanatic monk or a priest employed by a church you wont understand it because you dont have the courage to read them. There is a copyist error. Where was Jesus at the sixth hour on the day of the crucifixion? Jesus was speaking apocalyptically, not Sam Shamoun VS Craig Winn on what trinity really means! may He give us knowledge and understanding well if the Holy Quran. Was it not for protection from disbelievers if they try to catch him for killing? (c) Many people born after that lived longer than 120. They each focused on some details while ignoring others entirely. Transcri One concerned the spelling of proper names, and the other had to do with numbers., Most Christians will affirm that the Bible is our rule of faith and practice. 1 COR 2:13-15 Examples are taken from Bart Ehrman, Infidels.org, Peter Jennings and others. The claim goes that there are two creation accounts: Genesis 1 and 2 give different accounts. [MAT 28:1], And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him. What Are the Synoptic Gospels, and Where Do They Come From? He sent some elders of the Jews and his friends (Luke 7:3,6), (a) Adam was told that if and when he eats the forbidden fruit he would die the same day (Genesis 2:17), (b) Adam ate the fruit and went on to live to a ripe old age of 930 years (Genesis 5:5), (a) God decided that the life-span of humans will be limited to 120 years (Genesis 6:3), (b) Many people born after that lived longer than 120. That they(Jews) said (in boast), We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah. The Bible says that for each miracle Moses and Aaron demonstrated the magicians did the same by their secret arts. The Answer to Answering Islam on Bible Contradictions. Jesus appeared to them there and told them, stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49). About this item. Deuteronomy 4:2 clearly declares that the Bible is corrupt! Id like to comment on their points of the type of errors that exist in the Bible today: 1- There is no evidence that the errors are only limited to spelling of proper names and numbers. Sanctification is the process through which God makes a person more like Himself. It is ok and not a lack of faith to recognize that something appears to look like a contradiction. You have. However in the Aramaic translation of this inscription discovered at the Elephantine in Egypt, the number of prisoners was only 6,972. Have you read the whole Quran? In fact, it is the matter of salvation, and we are given only one life on this earth, there would be no second chance. Part IV. See the clear contradiction between Jesus and Paul. He cant. If he is GOD Almighty (our Creator), then we have some serious and vital information missing! Here again we see that there is no contradiction between the synoptic accounts, but only added detail on the part of Matthew as one who viewed the event while it was happening. Books mentioned in the Bible that are not part of the Todays Bible, They say to me: You say the Bible is corrupt. (b) Over three thousand (2 Chronicles 4:5). Develop your leadership skills and learn how to launch a ministry wherever you are. pray for Muslims kkkkk are you kidding, whom of your 3 gods will you pray to for us? Can allah rise someone from death? They serve to validate what took place, supporting one another instead of contradicting. (c) Yes. (a) Mark does not give the words but he says that the words were the same as the first prayer (Mark 14:3 9), (b) Matthew gives us the words, and we can see that they are not the same as in the first (Matthew 26:42). Day 5: Sea monsters (whales), fish, birds, land animals, creepy-crawlies (reptiles, insects, etc.) 1) Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? Answering Christian Apologist: The Bible error regarding end of times. Throughout the Bible, God shows that people who choose to continue in sin without asking for forgiveness will receive the just consequence for their actions. Is Jesus God Because He Will Judge The People? Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? Third day: Jesus was at a wedding feast in Cana in Galilee (see John 1:35; 1:43; 2:1-11). Biblical Contradiction: Who Is The Judge of Mankind? 5- What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why? Friends,this is the matter of salvation. While this charge would explain the differences between the Quran and the Bible, the allegation has no credible evidence. Genesis 17:15-16 Internal and External errors in the Bible. Bringing hope and resources to military families worldwide. Muslim need to repent like everyone else. When did Jesus clear the temple? Of the various methods Ive seen to explain these: That is to be taken metaphorically In other words, what is written is not what is meant. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Here are 6 "contradictions" in the Bible. WebWhat's your take on contradictions in the bible? My response to Sam Shamouns rebuttal to my article Paul, Peter and John are in clear contradiction with each others regarding the disbelieving husbands to believing wives!. Independent reports exactly as each claims Shamoun VS Craig Winn on what trinity really means 2! Bible contradictions like you see here you free religions are far from American. Blessing of Thomass Testimony Mean that Jesus is our Creator ), we killed Christ Jesus SON!, EX-PRIESTS and SCHOLARS of the faith answers: was Ahaziah when ascended. 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300 contradictions in the bible

300 contradictions in the bible