how did demoux become a worldhopper

Posted on 14 april 2023 by dr challoner's high school fees

Like Demoux, Felt is a character from the firstMistborntrilogy: He was one of House Ventures chief spies during the events of The Final Empire, and helps Elend track Vin back to the crew hideout at Clubs shop. I know she's an Elsecaller, but a worldhopper? As revealed inOathbringer, not every worldhopper goes from Physical Realm to Physical Realm on other worlds. If there is concrete WoB I'd like to see it. Webi was wondering on how demoux became a worldhopper? Wayne | He later added that she is to be found inWarbreaker, but I cannot remember where that quote is to be found. Full Name There is speculation right now that Atium actually is the method for World hoping among Scadrians. I do like the idea of Demoux kind of tagging along for the ride via his love interest. Steris Harms | World hopping is not mentioned in Mistborn that I can recall, so Brandon can introduce it however he wants or not at all. If you remember Marsh had a bag of atium beads that he stole from the Kandra. He found himself attached to the Kholin family, though his role inThe Stormlight Archive has been small thus far. Brandon does not give a definitive answer on whether she convinced Demoux or not, however, she is a part of the Seventeenth Shard. Demoux is revealed to be a preacher for the Church of the Survivor. Can anyone with access to Shadesmar learn how to Worldhop? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. WebSo Brandon has confirmed that Demoux's partner from The Hero of Ages, Aslydin, is a worldhopper and a member of the 17th shard, and that her name's ethnicity "should Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. On 12/31/2020 at 0:55 AM, Kingsdaughter613 said. Although many Seers would fall in the Battle of Hathsin, Demoux survived the Final Ascension. Instead of continuing on with Kaladin, Shallan, Adolin, and company, Azure decided to head off toward Cultivations perpendicularity and continue her quest to find Vasher and Nightblood. Friends/Allies In The Hero of Ages, Demoux gets together with a woman named Aslydin. This is a very interesting question. Carrying on with that train of thoughts, every worldhopper is also apparently ageless, and we know that massive investiture grants it. But the events of Wok happened hundreds of years after the events of HoA. The issue is, can just anyone survive this process? Maybe that's why Brandon used him rather than the others; there was nothing tying him down. This woman, daughter of one of the Terris elders, fell in love with Demoux for his honor and his respectability, and he began to reciprocate. Why should we think that similar type characters wouldn't be within the 17th? Q. (I had this crazy theory, which I wrote up at one point with details but don't remember any more, is that he and Spook gained access to spikes for Feruchemy - or even a host with full Feruchemy built into it - via the First Generation of kandra, who were originally human Feruchemists like Rashek had been, and perhaps still were on a Spiritual or Cognitive level the way we see former koloss appearing as human again in Secret History), You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Virtually all music and dance cruise deals are on round-trip departures from When Kelsier came to inspect the caves it was Demoux who led him around. I've occasionally wondered if there's some kind of Aon equivalent that mimics not the geography of Arelon, but the Cosmere at large. Or maybe it has something to do with feruchemically storing investiture. He is a Brandon Sanderson beta reader and co-hosts theInking Out Loudpodcast, covering science fiction and fantasy books (and some of that Colorado craft beer). In truth, Kelsier had just guided Demoux's sword with Allomantic Pushes and Pulls. The whispers of the Cryptics warn of the dangers that their fellows present. How is he alive? Sign up for a new account in our community. With some Does this also mean that Drabs cant be worldhopper since they have no investment? Yep, theres a kandra running around on Roshar. Combine this suffix insight with the start of the names resemblance to the Rosharan planet Ashyn and we might have both the beginning and an end of the name connected to The Roshar system. Perhaps like so many things in the Cosmere, using the Shardpools in this way is more about intent, rather than physical limitation. Maybe the terris had sercet info about the 17th shard she shared with Demoux that never came up in mistborn because Sazed didn't think it applied. Demoux In Chapter 54, Gibletish, Dalinar approaches Brightlord Hatham for a discussion. Given Harmony's mention of Adonalsium, my current theory is that he is, somehow, involved with however Demoux got involved with the 17th Shard. New Zealand (laughter) that's a good question, the answer is no. Perhaps, someday, everyone will have access to the Cognitive Realm. i loved Demoux and his loyalty and got excited when he showed up in Roshar. 122: Miami (Ohio) Miami RedHawks football to meet Ohio . Press J to jump to the feed. The Final Empire was a pretty terrible place to be if you weren't nobility. WebDemoux fights a man who believes that Kelsier's rebellion will fail during the first book, and is helped by Kelsier's Allomancy. Is she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Seventeenth Shard? Marsh | do we know for a fact she is a world hopper? (laughter) Thats a good question, the answer is no. showing up on Roshar, the natural question is, how did they manage that? His wife is also a member, he will appear again, he survives long using the same method as most of the Shard, and they did not know about the Cosmere in their books. i don't remember his name. According to Brandon, Felt has changed his allegiance several times. Um it's not a planet. You have to admit, given the latest WoR chapters, that 'Seer' is a rather compelling name for atium users that could imply atium is used to see into Shadesmar as an alternate-use. I shall have to watch it closely. He works mostly with Khriss (who is the author of the Ars Arcanum at the end of each book), and plays a role as sort of a Cosmere James Bond.. You can find him onTwitter, talking about books and writing, but mostly just getting worked up about the New York Rangers. At the moment, it's a cameo on par with Hoid; a minor character popping up where he doesn't belong. Many have stayed in the Cognitive Realm, coexisting with spren and developing towns, cities, and cultures. I don't think being an atium misting specifically makes you a better worldhopper though. That is everything we know. As for known worldhoppers on roshar, there is the guy who made the map of alloy of law, and rescued jasnah stuff from under the ocean. After asking Kaladin what Heightening he was and using the curse Merciful Domi!, it became clear that Riino was much more than just a Rosharan who decided to divine the future in Shadesmar. Brandon has confirmed that he is a worldhopper, though which society hes with is up in the air as of yet. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Yep, (most of) the Heralds are worldhoppers. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Demoux and his soldiers maintained law and order and essentially took command, though he showed a respect for the Terris elders; he became romantically involved with Aslydin, the daughter of one of the elders, who fell in love with him for his honor and respectability. It's the one that says "corrosive: contains traces of Odium, press at own risk". Sel is nearly impossible to visit, and very dangerous at that. He is, after all, the infamous Vasher fromWarbreaker. Vin | I think there's a WoB saying that Demoux is a 17th because of his wife (the terris one in the end of HoA), so the question would rather be: how his wife became a member of the 17th? Obviously the other person with Galladon and Demoux. Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc. Depends on how fast they get between things. But it doesn't make sense to me. Something to do with Sel magic systems becoming weaker the further from their land maybe? But why would he choose demoux to be a worldhopper? How about in the Cognitive Realm? How any of them found their way off their respective worlds is as yet unknown, but its possible Demoux was recruited by his partner, Aslydin. Do they just learn a new language for each world? Three members appeared inThe Way of Kings, in the Ishikk interlude, searching for Hoid. What the Ire wants on Roshar isnt clear, but would it surprise anyone if theyre angling in on somehow getting their hands on Honors splintered power? A medallion for F-atium wouldn't help with executing the Rashek Maneuver, though, as that requires constantly tapping an atiummind once one lives past one's natural lifespan,and to an ever-increasing degree. He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. There may be Surges, Awakenings, glyphs of some other Investiture that allows other effects, but they have yet to be seen. [9][2] Ishikk refers to him as Thinker for his contemplative and reserved manner, and notes that he speaks the Selay language more poorly than his associates. He could just play the god card and say that Demoux was world hopped by Harmony because Harmony needed him elsewhere. It is possible that the only way he can reasonably be tracked is by watching the points where he can travel. It would definitely shut down a current thread in Mistborn, but oh well. Since it is a realm dominated and created by thought, locations expand and contract based on how much thinking is going on. If you imagine a lobster talking, it probably has a British accent. He later becomes a worldhopper, travelling to Roshar in search of Hoid. In Way of Kings there is a short side chapter in Purelake where I think it was either three or four world hoppers appeared and talked with a fisherman. Hoid | Book signing, Stuttgart, Germany, 5/17/19, Starsight Release Party, Orem, UT, 11/26/19. He is fromWhite Sand. Knowing how loyalDemouxis, he wouldn't just leave Aslydin behind like that. (Though, really, I doubt it's the flowers, it's probably some Command that an Awakener can use, well, at least in as far as getting to the Cognitive Realm is concerned). WebConclusion. They restore order and lend organization to the Terris people who had been flooded with refugees. Travel across the cosmere is difficult and dangerous. Do worldhoppers take time to adjust to the different gravity of a new world? He first appeared inElantris and has since found page time in every single Cosmere novel (and even some of the graphic novels and novellas). Welcome back, Cosmere fans! OreSeur | Until then I think it will stay as an e-book. The only possible exception would be travelers from Sel. Amongst the first recruits of Kelsier's rebellion, Ham quickly promotes him to the rank of captain after he (Ham) assumes leadership in light of Kelsier's absence. Szeth | WebA Worldhopper is any character from within the cosmere books who is capable of 'traveling' from locale to locale in the Physical Realm by the use of some form of Investiture. I like the theory about atium/bronze (with a rigged up method of powering it in place of actual atium?) -M-NUva. N/A Hobby The weekly need for Breath played a part in his relocation to Roshar, where Stormlight ismuch easierand more ethicalto acquire than Breaths on Nalthis. Or did he get/steal Nightblood from Vasher once he was on Roshar? Demoux had enough contact with the crew to make him memorable, but unless he became more involved in Survivorism, he didn't have a major role to do. A. He is native to Scadrial, but hes been around for a while, and his motives are up in the air. With some hemalurgy or some other hack he could have gotten Atium Feruchemy and used that. There are likely others out there that traverse the worlds beyond their home. Can we then take that to mean that they somehow became functionally immortal? There is this one, where he RAFOed it, but he clarified later on, if I remember correctly. He is in possession of all sorts of Invested artifacts, including Hemalurgic spikes, the Tears of Edgli, Amberite Aethers, White Sand from Taldain, an Aviar from First of the Sun, and more. PS: I didn't read Secret History, does anyone know if it is in another format than Ebook? I am not sure she is Terris, however, the Terris world hopper is Female. One of the Five Scholars from Nalthis, Zahel came to Roshar hundreds of years earlier (perhaps in the company of others of the Five Scholars) and decided he wanted to re-create a Shardblade using the magic on Nalthis. it's probably nothing to do with shardic magic. Worldhopping could take you outside of time, so the whole time difference isn't necessarily a problem. I think it was Kelsier that told him about the cosmere and that his atium powers made him able to world travel. The Seventeenth Shard is the only operating group of Worldhoppers of which readers know for sure. It's not a space station; it's not that futuristic, but there is a place in the cosmere where a lot of Worldhoppers have settled, it's where Iyatil is from, even though her ethnicity is not from there.[19]. The First Generation of kandra were originally Rashek's fellow Terris packmen. The Alethi lord is speaking with an ardent who uses the word soil and promises to be in touch with Hatham. When Taravangian first got control of Szeth, he sent a man with a dark face and an accent Szeth didn't recognize, who was also wearing a mask. Remember that BS promised the friend whom Demoux is named for that his character would live and have a love interest. My count of world-hoppers on Roshar is a little higher: HoidNazhGalladon / GrumpDemoux / ThinkerBaon / BluntMraizeVasher / Zahel. I mean, even when Hoid is getting between planets it's taking him weeks or months, he's not jumping. Hoid predates Shards and so does the letter recipient. Demoux is a worldhopper and he is on Roshar in Wok. You know, I think you hit a good spot there. One day, readers might see networks of inter-dimensional highways connecting the peoples of the cosmere. Also like Vasher, she features prominently inWarbreaker, as Vivenna. Yep, (most of) the Heralds are worldhoppers. Draw an animated lobster and I bet Is burning Atium related to Scadrian worldhopping?Brandon Sanderson. Oh I hadn't thought of that, he has also said we've seen Rosharan worldhoppers before without knowing it so that's possible. Demoux is searching for Hoid in the Purelake region on Roshar, in the company of Galladon and Baon. ALSO Keep in mind that although the Pits were destroyed, that doesn't exclude the idea that Demoux has no access to Atium. When Yeden decided to attack a fortified position, others stayed back at the cave believing this was not Kelsier's wish. Chris King (Miyabi) Right, the one from a future book. Along with Khriss, he appears to be more concerned with gathering knowledge than furthering any specific agenda, as most of the other worldhoppers are. The short answer is Shadesmar. I think I found the WoB you were talking about. WebHoid is a character who appears in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. PO Box 91 Carrying on with that train of thoughts, every worldhopper is also apparently ageless, and we know that massive investiture grants it. There are *hesitantly* no current faster ways, but I mean, there are depending on how fast you can get through Shadesmar and yeah. And there is still some Atium. There are powers of Investiture on Roshar that create holes or perpendicularities in the Cognitive Realm. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 82 Brownston Street Knowing how loyal Demoux is, he Sazed | Drew McCaffreylives in Fort Collins, CO, where hes spoiled by all the amazing craft beer. Captain of the Skaa Rebellion Preacher of the Church of the Survivor General in the New Empire Arcanum Unbounded cover art by David Palumbo, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), 2023 Macmillan | All stories, art, and posts are the copyright of their respective authors, Everything We Know About Worldhoppers on Roshar, Centers of Attention in the Very Modern Murder Mysteries of Rian Johnson, Martin Scorsese, Paul Schrader, and Terrence Malick Meet at a Diner to Discuss, The Legacy of Old Tropes: Charles R. Saunders Jeroboam Henleys Debt, Five YA SFF Books Featuring Crews Youll Want to Join, All the Myriad Ways: The Many, Many Faces of the Shapeshifter, Reading The Wheel of Time: Subjugation and Surrender in Robert Jordans, 10 Classic Tales for Fans of Swashbuckling and Historical Intrigue. 2. Though Kelsier attempts to kill Bilg through Demoux, Demoux resists, and Kelsier soon changes his mind, allowing Bilg to live. Brandon Sanderson. The name doesn't sound Terris to me at all. Zahel, the grumpy swordsman and teacher. The -din suffix in particular suggests a Rosharan origin to the name. Kelsier | Nazh is a name many readers will recognize, as hes the one who writes all of the annotations on the various maps in the books. It was how the Lord Ruler became immortal, and it's reasoned that other characters (such as Marsh and possibly Demox) use it to stay young as well. In some cases, like in my Cosmere Primer, Ill be drawing on Words of Brandon (WoBs) for further information. It appears that somewhere along the way I missed that one of the men searching for Hoid in the Purelake is actually Demoux. Is burning Atium related to Scadrian worldhopping? This man is an unnamed Worldhopper.[16]. Hoid is a skaa informant who seeks to sell information to anyone who would pay him for it. Answering Kelsier's call for a man who will defend the honor of the rebellion Demoux immediately stepped forward as one of several, being singled out by Kelsier to fight the dissenter Bilg. It's easy! If Harmony turned him into a full blown mistborn, then he could have burned duralumin with the time stop metal to place himself outside of time for awhile. I musta missed that. Jasnah Kholin is a worldhopper? And I just had to wonder, what The future of Worldhopping is as unpredictable as the people who practice the art. Ruthless and violent, but also cunning, Hopper thinks nothing of killing ants, whom he considers lower than dirt, and his manner of speaking to Princess Atta is reminiscent of an abusive boyfriend mocking his terrified girlfriend. For Scadrial, what about the possibility of a metal similar to a bendaloy that let's you create a distance bubble, essentially teleport. It might be the same for one of the other two guys at the Purelake, while the third one is functionally immortal, as far as we know. Family He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. Some of those who have read it (not me) have a pretty good idea who he is but they can't discuss it here on the forums. I know that one of them was Galladon from Elantris and another was Demeaux from the Mistborn trilogy. With so many characters from other worlds (and times!) Through research and help from friends I have learned that almost all world hoppers are from other cosmere books. Wanaka, 9305 Blunt is Baon from white sand., Jasnah went to Shadesmar in WOR to "converse with the great Spren". They do not age. They just wanted to get off-world.[1]. Powers/Skills WebWhen did Demoux start world hopping? Besides that, I suppose Demoux was the surviving cast member not otherwise occupied. If the compression effect of bendalloy and cadmium is assumed to be the same 8 to 1 ratio, a week in a CadBubble would propel one forward two months. Tindwyl | Mine you, it means that SA contains spoilers for Nightblood (it means both Vasher and Nightblood survived the sequel), but Vasher may have been a bit into worldhopping before that Warbreaker. Hammond | He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. Perhaps Elsecallers and Willshapers can use Shadesmar like a sort of warp space, allowing them to leap across cosmic distances. Assisted by Kelsier's Allomancy, Demoux wins the fight and Kelsier seizes the moment to invigorate his troops by proclaiming that Demoux had the arcane arts the Lord Ruler possessed, that they all might possess. Can someone tell me how he became a Worldhopper and ended up on Roshar? Wanaka Office Wit may be helping the Good Guys, but hes by no means an entirely virtuous person. Can be put on any tail feather, and will last until the feat First met inOathbringer, Highmarshal Azure was in charge of the defense of Kholinar as the Fused and their singer minions attacked Alethkar. It speeds or slows the passage of time relative to absolute time for a small bubble. Well after some digging, I can find nothing. I am quite certain that WoB states that Atium has nothing to do with it. Baon joined The Seventeenth Shard sometime after the events of White Sand. The creation of Harmony must have attracted the attention of the 17th shard (if they weren't watching even before), and likely they looked for potential recruits among those closest to the events. I've given subtle clues about her before, but the ethnicity of the name should strike you. ah ok thanks! Maybe I missed something in which case I apologise. Today, I am going to ask you a simple question: How do you think Demoux became cosmere aware and a worldwhopper. WebHopper is the main antagonist of Disney/Pixar's 1998 film A Bug's Life. I dunno. I have been reading through the cosmere books and in each one there is at least one world hopper, [There are around five in words of Radiance]. There is nothing more terrifying than the realization that one slip, one misstep or encounter with a powerful Cognitive being and one's life can be snuffed out like a candle in the wind. I shall see if I can't find the proper quote. Demoux is promoted to a general under Elend in the New Empire some time after Ruin's release at the Well of Ascension. Rashek Ashweather Cett Straff Venture There is at least one person from each world that can world hop so that leads me to believe that it is possible with each magic system. Wasn't there someone in the final battle on the plains who was a world hopper? Ward departs Lubbock with three years remaining on her contract that was signed in October 2020; she was a late hire that cycle and signed a five-year deal at the Type of Hero Goals Containing the 2003 player I think there must be someway of world hopping that involves magic that predates the Shards and involves magic we've never seen. Knowing how loyal Demoux is, he You think Demoux became cosmere aware and a worldwhopper of Odium, press at own risk '' leave behind... A little higher: HoidNazhGalladon / GrumpDemoux / ThinkerBaon / BluntMraizeVasher / Zahel warn of the.. 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how did demoux become a worldhopper

how did demoux become a worldhopper