percy jackson fanfiction the gods read the son of artemis

Posted on 14 april 2023 by dr challoner's high school fees

Zeus getting impatient demanded to know who they were. Browse . We just left him there in the dark and told him he wouldn't have bedtime stories for a week. She had changed since we had the boy. Athena answered looking over the books. Chapter 22 A deer. We obviously didn't tell him the part about Medea killing their children and left most parts of the myths like that out. Then there's another series The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, House of Hades and Blood of Olympus. percyxop. He was hunting wild deer and was very good with all weapons thanks to Ares blessing. Will Poseidon's fury come back to haunt them? she said looking between me and the child curiously. The logical side of me told me to leave it alone but the Huntress side was demanding to know what it was. The Seven are now about to be together and the great prophecy will begin. Hahahahah!" "They are fine Percy see" and I turned myself around so he could lift his head and see his sisters were fine. The other problem; 2) was that when we bathed him he wouldn't let himself get wet and nearly killed me the first time I tried cleaning the child by submerging himself in the cold lake water and disappearing only to crawl out again at the other side sit in the mud staring at me as if I was the strange one. They ran at me and I braced for impact as I was tackled to the floor by two laughing girls older than some minor gods! "Sorry about that girls, he escaped when I attempted to bath him!" Just then there was a flash beside us and Percy was so shocked he fell on his bum taking the hollow door of the tree with him. After 5 years, Percy is a director of a camp hidden from the gods and Camp Half-Blood. You may be looking for the book, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods. She said that she didn't want anyone to be suspicious of why we had been found together. It's his first birthday today" I was touched by her words somehow and looked over at the child sleeping in the sand. Percy was looking more gleeful than ever and nearly bouncing up and down on the war god's knee but controlled himself. I wondered what he was doing until he threw a wall of water at me that made me hit the deck. He collapsed exhausted by this big effort and both Zoe and Phoebe came up to him smiling warmly before turning it into an evil grin as Zoe grabbed the buck and started to heave it back towards the tents leaving Phoebe who hoisted the scrawny demigod onto her shoulder and walked after Zoe with the small boy over her shoulder. I smiled at the thoughtful, kind little brother, I had and called the girls to wake up and they all came out of their own tents grumbling stuff about 'harsh early wake ups' or 'Mmmmmhhh food' they were not morning people but I had grown to be a morning person over the past two years and needed to be with that little bundle of energy that was our little brother running around like a goat on Kool-Aid. Report story. I laughed at his reaction to the huge god and he whimpered, burying his head in my neck only peeping at the gods from time to time. Chapter 18 This child was born to a mortal and is son of Poseidon but he abandoned him and we do not care for the god any longer. said the messenger god and I stooped to a crouch letting go of Percy who stayed by my side looking into my eyes wondering why I put him down. I laughed and praise him on his kill, "That's a very big one Percy well done. Their Demon. He had found a pile of precious stones by a river we stopped at yesterday and kept 5, 2 silver, 2 imperial gold and an emerald which was Zoe's favourite colour. We were woken up by our wolves howling. I loved the bond the two had with Percy. I chose to take a walk with the child to by supplies for him. Teddy Bear || Assassination Classroom x Male Y/n L/n always has a teddy bear with him. So if you had my blessing you would be able to wield any weapon and be very skilled when it comes to a fight. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Artemis asked her. LadyAthos, Nettle29, Waffle_house33, Sombra_literaria, DragonR, martinez, Apearlysweetcakes, TaeKook_Biased810, TactfulAO3, Milkhax, agatemagpie, Clotho01, Agent_bond_008, IAmGonnaDie, LuckyJ111, RedactedLurker, SomeCyaN, Masonic_Wo1f, Slowpokey, WhiteWinterFox, wjmc1997, SubSpaceBibi, Marco_asl, JustGiveMeANameIDC, KateBishop_LadyHawk, Chaos777lover, SparklyMoe, reading4ever, Lightangel15, Alex_Black, MoonJay2307, Martemi, Windcrow, AceDeath22, iritheas, TonySteark, inkandarsenic, Seer_Of_Life, Katifyable778, overlordofsarcasm, Anaresia_Lenalia, Piratka09, Tom_not_Riddle, Hot_Cocoa_Is_The_Tea, I_Am_Dragun, Blind_Bandit, Mr_Amy, InoYamanaka245, Smack_me, happycatradora, and 805 more users They could play for hours and we let them, hoping they would tire out and quieten down quite soon so we could continue planning Zoe's birthday presents. Mortal world AU's. It's rare IMHO to find a good fic that doesn't retcon everything since HOO of goes in an original direction. I whispered to him and his eyes lit up as he ran over to the tree hollow wary not to get to close to the gods but he flashed them a polite smile as he dug deep into the hollow and pulled out his inventory. When Athena intrigued by the package of books found a note inside. I told them to which made their jaws nearly hit the floor and I laughed at their expressions. left kudos on this work! Also a certain prophecy. I had heard there was a new prophecy which belonged to one of the big three and I guessed this was one of the reasons so many gods were taking an interest in Percy. Having gotten through two books already, the Gods, demigods and others begin reading the third book. Chapter 3 The group made it through the first book without the Gods killing anyone, mostly due to not having their powers. Chapter 16 And if he 'smells' off to you he already has the blasting a of three gods already, who are Apollo, Hestia and Ares" the gods nodded and looked at each other before turning to me and asking, "Would you help us to convince Artemis to let us give the child his blessing?" She was very protective! What is that?" Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis SOA Book&Literature 87 Chapters 1.6M Views Author: TheGodSage. It was true my real mother was only mortal but she's gone now and Artemis has been my mother since the age of 1. She was pure white with green eyes just like Percy and made a deep rumbling growl in her throat almost like purring except she wasn't a cat and nuzzled Percy playfully. I find this unusual as I read a lot of it, But when it comes to this fandom I hate almost all of it. I looked at the baby and noticed he was wearing a snap-suit with dolphins and fish on them and in the back of his neck it said in red 'Perseus' I had never liked that name and decided to change it to just Percy instead. He had given my baby brother his blessing and the little 3 year old paled more at this. So far she was getting a new bow from Artemis, a set of green clothes from the other hunters along with emerald earrings and a necklace, I was getting her a new dress, headband and iPod for her beloved Demi Lovato songs along with a 50 voucher as I have been saving up for a whole year because we only celebrate ten year birthdays in the hunt unless of course it's Percy! Hope you all enjoy. They both got up and shot a worried look at Mom. Poseidon was the second male and fifth child of Kronos, the Titan King of Mount Othrys, and his sister-wife Rhea, born after . Pertemis! Zeus&Apollobashing! # 10. {DISCONTINUED} Percy is mortal but the gods exist. Percy's about to read!" Hera snapped and Zeus lowered his head. I picked the little boy up and put him on my hip which felt natural as he clung onto my top for safety and nuzzled my neck trying to get comfy to sleep again. Phoebe caught up with us after a minute or so and we all went to make breakfast. 'this demigod is Percy Jackson and don't worry time has stopped while you read this and in case you were wondering Zeus your future self approves of this plan. Work Search: "Child I'm not completely antisocial. Or so she thought. I looked up. How dare my father claim me. The final book. I admit it was quite blunt and disrespectful but I was not letting go of the child and they wouldn't take him away from me. He was looking straight up at the pair who had just arrived. 2. To congratulate him on his first kill Zoe granted him her sword, they fit each other perfectly and he would have spent half the night outside had Zoe and Phoebe not tickled him into submission in a surprise attack! But I wasn't going to give away my secret or my mother would kill me if I was put in front of the gods. Percy was Six and a half now and carried the blessing of six gods. I cautiously walked towards the light and was pulled in and found myself falling with a screaming girl. We saw the canoe lake and the beach, the climbing wall and the armoury. - I relaxed and put my knifes away but still held the boy close. My huntresses didn't like him but I know he'd like Percy. 16. I laughed at my mother's anger and protectiveness and everyone looked at me as if I belonged in a mental ward. "YOU'RE IT" before grabbing my hand and running. The girls always told him about their hunts over the years or the Greek myths and he couldn't get enough. Perseus Achilles Jackson was the first born son of Kronos, but his mother wasn't Rhea. Changing him wasn't a problem for them and they loved telling him stories at bedtime. The gang finally finds out what happened while Percy was missing. 13. . Chapter 2 "He has many children of his own and cares little or none for any, why should he be allowed near my son?" she smiled at him but he squirmed away from her gaze embarrassed of her knowledge of this and asked. I pried his tiny hand open and took the dolphin toy from his vice like grip. I tuned and saw a hellhound's crushed body on the floor and was dumbfounded at the child's power to say the least, but then I remembered his mother and turned towards her as she whispered. You just had a three year old make you a sandwich and then let him sit on your knee. There are currently twelve major gods, the Olympians, who rule over the universe, all of whom are under . Dey can talk you know. When he got in bed he woke up and asked for his bottle very quietly which was still on his nightstand next to his tiny bed. When our beloved Percy Jackson gets aged back down to a 3 year old who will age back quickly, and Artemis adopts him what adventures will he go on? They came to ask if they could bless the boy as he is obviously gifted within their domains and they wish to help him with certain things!" "L-L-Lady Artemis, P-Please keep my son safe. and as I did all noise stopped. This wasn't the only bath time problem we had. I gave it back to him and flashed back to my tent. The only troubles we ever had with the child were. This startled the child and I knew flashing wasn't very smooth for demigods and the child started to cry. Though I hear you are already quite deadly with a sword called riptide!" So I advise you do as I say lest you want to face the wrath of Zeus!" I praised him and nodded to which he yipped gleefully and looked expectantly at his new 'uncle'. Apparently I was ok because I was with them since I was a baby and had learned the right way to respect women. Please consider turning it on! "What?!" Hestia conjured benches for the demigods to sit on, and they silently thanked her. I want to be a part of this boy's life Artemis. Zoe picked him up and slung him over her shoulder making Phoebe and I laugh knowing the boy hated this as we only used it at bedtime when he wouldn't come willingly. Feet away from the sea and the lazy Sea king did nothing! he asked. Trying to decide if he was acceptable or not. She pulled her hands up in surrender and said in a calm voice. she said as though it was magic. Perseus is raised by the Hunters of Artemis. He ran out towards the forest and created a small hurricane around himself. Beyond even my brothers help. I was gob smacked to say the least. My son protested loudly at this though still not being able to stand up properly as he was exhausted and hammered Phoebes back yelling at her to let him down. His Roman counterpart is Neptune. 17. But it wasn't anything my huntresses couldn't handle. The straw spilled out easily with a twist of my sword and I gave a yell. PS: Future Demigods please introduce yourselves by just name. Coz she aweys knows wat I been doin!" By: FunahoMisaki although Son of Artemis is by TheSilverBoar . Ellie got up from the Hermes table now dressed in huntress clothes thanks to my Mom who dressed her just with the flick of a wrist. It had an inscription on it that read, 'When the darkness comes at night my dear. Y/N was no different. And with one last smile she heaved a sigh and Sally Jackson, as her name-tag on her work uniform said, was no more. The Fates, tired of all the horror that Percy and his friends had gone through, send the Gods of the past five books for them to read. He meets a beautiful goddess in the Olypian meeting and becomes an Olympian. No he is not my biological son before you ask and is a son of my useless uncle instead. 84 guests I ran to my son and picked him up just as all of the other girls tended to each other's wounds. 10. Percy Jackson | Percy Jackson | Olympus Gods Artemis Apollo Zeus Hades Aphrodite Athena Hera Poseidon Demeter Dionysus Ares Hephaestus. Reading TheSilverBoars Son of Artemis. I had obviously been blessed by my lady. "Well I have been watching him ever since he started stealing and hiding theses thing" said Hermes with a suspicious glint in his eyes, "And to say he's only three he is unlike any other child I have ever seen and stole them with the intentions to give them back may I add and no one seemed to notice him sneaking about. How will they all react to the dangers of saving the world once more, and the lack of godly assistance? But instead I found a woman. He started pulling the buck back towards camp but he was still scrawny even with the five god's blessings and all of my girls fell to the floor laughing at their little brother red in the face from dragging the buck only a few meters. "How'd you know?" "Wike mommy? I smiled warmly and the worry vanished from his face. Percy Jackson wasn't born as the Son of Posiedon but as the Son of Artemis and Poseidon. 14. She made me promise to keep him and I did, on the Styx" I explained but Zoe had already come and sat next to me on a dead tree log and was looking at the boy warily. "This is Ph-o-e-b-e" the boy looked at them both wide eyed and curious before opening his mouth and yelling as he threw his little chubby arms up towards their necks opening and closing his palms as though hoping to grasp something which made Zoe lift him up onto her hip. he announce shrinking back up against a wall. I had never seen such a powerful demigod. "Hey; there's a note" she called everyone back. . The child smiled when the god nodded and opened both his palms summoning two ham sandwiches on white bread with no crust. Until that is, the worst day of my life with my son, after two years with him. We had stopped in a park near New York and it was nearing summer break so it was a relief when the harsh heat of Apollo was taken over by my Moon to sooth the mortals from overheating. "Come her Perce I'll help you get clean fast yeah?" I almost laughed at her choice of words as they were obviously so false. Apollo was, after all, a god, and it wasn't wise to intentionally ridicule one, so they fell into silent contempt of the deity who had interrupted them. Hades and Poseidon called their wives and kid respectively. they screamed. born before even Zeus' son of the same name. "When will he wake up?" Read the most popular godpercy stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Another girl came up to us and snapped her fingers I front of our faces quietly whispering. Chaos, Betrayal, Cheating, Dickish new siblings, Maiden Goddess loving Percy, Percy . I smiled reassuringly at her and her expression softened slightly. They have to change, so she intervenes and sends some people from the future to read about the life of the greatest hero to ever live. He was standing protectively over one of his fallen sisters but still looked terrified. She adopts baby Percy and he grows up in the hunt away from the prying eyes of other gods. Thank you! We were on a porch next to the beach which scared me quite a bit being so close to my father's domain Her eyes widened as we realized where we were and that's when a man in a wheelchair came up to us. I had been hunting the Minotaur for days now on my own and had left the hunt behind because this was too dangerous for them. The Cyclops took a swing at his sister but Percy screamed out and released a horrible noise that forced the Cyclops off of his feet. We fell to the floor when a padded netting of sorts caught us. Artemis has a hunt c. Great, I was stuck here until my mother figured out where I was and claimed me which was going to attract some weird attention from the children at camp here as Artemis was not allowed children. The Greeks get their first glimpse of Camp Jupiter. The food was very good and as we gave our offering I had a brilliant way to give our location away to mum and as I tipped the biggest sausage into the sizzling flames I whispered. All in all the huntresses took to the child like wildfire. . I stepped out from behind the bush and saw a beautiful golden deer. But I don't think he will be granted immortality. I still had yet to weasel information out of the little tyke about what he was making for Zoe but he had hidden it well along with tweezers, pliers a crafts book a chain mould and all of his pocket money which consisted of 60 which for a three year old was more than most 13 year olds had right now. When we had caught breakfast which was elk and 2 rabbits, we cooked it and plated up, 18 servings in total which was 16 huntresses plus Artemis and Percy which was a rather small portion because he was so little. The middle of the dining pavilion was filled with the whole Olympian council including Auntie Hestia who was tending the flames I had made my sacrifice in. A beautiful woman ran through the forest dozens of girls following behind her. There they are to read several books about the past and future of Percy Jackson in the hopes of making a better future. My little brother was lying on a hospital bed unconscious and looking very pale, and if Apollo was right which annoyingly he almost always was when it came to medical stuff, he wouldn't wake up till tomorrow. I hid the child behind me and drew my daggers thinking she might take the child if she thought I broke my oath. 20. They all expected him to be dead so it was a real surprise when he got up. At Hercules Percy lunged and Thalia and Nico held him back. Please consider turning it on! Lord Hephaestus wasn't easy to look at and he didn't make much of an effort either. "Mommy can I pweese let unca Ares give me his belsing" I corrected his last word and he tested it out on his tongue "B-l-e-s-s-i-n-g" he said and looked proud when he finished. "Master Chiron, I know I am a demigod but I already have a home and we were kidnapped by a satyr and a blonde girl and forced here I know where to go and I need to get back so just let me leave please or my Mother will kill me." looking at his sister in wonder for fighting such a 'dangerous' animal. Just then a silver bow and arrow came into sight above my head as well and knocked the trident away pulsing silver steadily as if it was angry. I turned my back on him for two minutes and when I looked again I saw him flashing into his mother's tent with two plates of food. But she wasn't watching because she had a meeting with Hades. But remember when he refused to come out of the lake for bedtime. I have no idea how he did it but as he has been using Hermes and Hephaestus' domains they were able to see him and were absolutely amazed at his craftsmanship or in Hermes case thievery. He could see through the mist and knew it was . "Yes my little one, quite like that!" Percy?" he exclaimed and opened his palm to reveal a light coming out of his palm that made it look like he had a torch built into him or something. I put him on my lap and bounced him up and down cooing to him until he stopped crying but it was too late and my two oldest hunters had woken up and curiously come to see what was making the screeching sound. "Yes, Yes please sissy's" we ran out of the tent and he followed. Percy Jackson the god of time, tid . One night when I was awake just listening to the wildlife I heard Zoe crying and mumbling in her sleep. No I will not reveal your secret to anyone before you do ok?" Chapter 1 She had a child; no less than a year old all of a sudden he sat up on his own and lifted is hands up. "For Artemis. 21. It turns out my son has quite a nice voice and Apollo had tried to get him interested in poetry after I had told him about my son but he was having none of it. When he finished chanting Percy fainted but was held steady thanks to Ares. Chapter 15 She also seemed to have quite a large stomach not in the way that a large woman would be as she seemed to have . "Why does something like that always happen to me?" This wasn't so much a problem as a nuisance but my heart raced each time I heard him cry. The gods left us to go and speak with Artemis I guessed and I just sat down in the long grass pulling Percy with me onto my lap and interrogated him on how he'd done it. She bowed to mum and then jogged to her sisters to tell them about how camp was now. We were shown the archery range which we both loved and the battle arena. then a note fluttered to the ground. he said which made Hestia laugh and he blushed. The light-hearted looks of content on the faces of the Hunters instantly took on one of guarded scorning. He jumped up and down gleefully and squealed. As Lieutenant of the Hunt, I was able to say an incantation which would bless the animal's species with two of the animal for each one that was killed. 11-year-old Percy Jackson somehow finds himself pulled into a world of gods after a run-in with the goddess of the hearth herself. this seemed to impress Ares, a girl, standing up to him! They didn't have to and I didn't force them to take the child but they as good as killed each other arguing over the child I now made sure they all had each a feeding, diaper change, a play session, and a lullaby roter made which took them a whole two hours to decide who got what, when. "Fine, yes come whenever you like and relieve me please, it's so tiring looking after so many children even though some are more than 2000 years old!" Would being around so many Gods affect my son? Amphitrite's throne was next to Poseidon made from something that looked like the bottom half of an oyster and a backseat with a dozen, glimmering pearls. They've made it through the first Great Prophecy, now they must read about the second. As they were beach, the climbing wall and the little 3 year old make you a sandwich then... That she did n't tell him the part about Medea killing their children left... To the floor when a padded netting of sorts caught us than ever and nearly up! A wall of water at me as if I belonged in a mental ward ;... Be granted immortality completely antisocial adopts baby Percy and he blushed books about the second child I! Their powers, all of whom are under expected him to be together and the,... 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percy jackson fanfiction the gods read the son of artemis

percy jackson fanfiction the gods read the son of artemis