salt for discus

Posted on 14 april 2023 by dr challoner's high school fees

I was wondering whether I should do saltwater or discus in a 55 gallon tank. O-Nip is one such product and it works by sticking onto aquarium glass with slight finger pressure to engage grazing fish and other small organisms. Get weekly aquarium blog articles right in your inbox. 10 gallons. link to Tetra Whisper Air Pump for (60 To 100) Gallons Discus Aquariums. Therefore, the amount and frequency of water changes really varies for every aquarium. Its effects are somewhat complex, and salt does not evaporate like water. Listing this for a friend of mine so please call the number listed. gave the fry more to feed on. 1700 S Baker Avenue. Saltwater fish are also susceptible to head and lateral line erosion disease. Dosage can range from one tablespoon for every gallon, to one tablespoon per 10 gallons. Ive lost a few that did that and over time got super skinny and finally died. I do 2 water changes daily and add a handful of rock salt each time. We experience these problems here at Wattley Discus daily and know what it is going to take to get the results you want. Dosage can range from one tablespoon for every gallon, to I will be ordering the red melon pair on this Wednesday the 13th. The magnesium ion is responsible for the increase in water hardness, while the sulfate ion helps to reduce water hardness. The ratio should be 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water. Chemicals sold to lower and raise pH, hardness, softness, de-chlorinate, sooth and anything else they can sell us, can lead to irritation, stress or chemical burn to the eye lens. Dec 20, 2012. The smaller one I do see on a daily basis. After eight hours, theres likely nothing in the water left to treat. Then, prepare a revival tank. Join our tropical fish community, post some questions, get some answers and vote for the best posts. Tank mates must meet two criteria: they should be able to liveinhigh temperatures and they cannot outcompete the discus for food. You can do a 55-gallon tank, but then youre forced to do a lot of water changes. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. You can use rock/ice cream salt on discus. The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature. Regards Jan Ikan Pty Ltd, Great big white lump on the face of discus help what is it. 7 years ago. For basic healing I would try Seachem StressGuard Slime Coat Protection, Hi, Ive got a few fish that I have kept for a few months dont have any clamped fins and have an appetite but are constantly hiding in the corner and are easily startled. Eventually, they will reduce their numbers to 6, with two being males. Again, we pretreat with Epsom salt 24 hrs before metronidazole treatment. A lot of beginner discus owners spend too much time worrying that theyll accidentally harm their discus, instead of relaxing and appreciating their majestic beauty. In captivity, discus fish can live between 10-15 years. #2. johnarthur. It is a general guide, ranging from slightly cloudy to full on oozing or bursting, it should help identify the course of treatment required. Keeping discus for fun is much easier than the high-maintenance care required for breeding and raising discus fry. dose of one tablespoon per 5 gallons did seem to help the slime secretion which In other words, dont buy the cheapest ones that may have quality issues, and dont buy the $300 adults that may die from your lack of experience. Is there anything wrong Im doing as I read a lot of mixed opinions online. This will clean them out and it will . To figure out how often you need to do water changes on your aquarium, get an aquarium water test kit and download our free infographic that guides you step-by-step through the process. If you email it will go to mine and I can't answer question on price or . Discus fish can get spooked and zip around the tank, knocking itself into anything in its way. Aqueon QuietFlow 75 LED PRO Aquarium Fish Tank Power Filter for Up to 90 Gallon Aquariums. Check out the Monthly File Number: 200716210021. If you stop eating it is because you have an internal problem. Take the fish out of the aquarium and put . Return To: When Do Discus Fish Get Their Color. What are your thoughts? Now they are both sending time always at the back never really coming to the front to be feb. Can do a deal if you want to take them all. With these simple guidelines, youre on your way to having a successful, enjoyable discus tank for many years to come. Other environmental conditions to consider include pH and water hardness. Activated carbon works by using absorption and adsorption. As water Use common sense. Can I put salt in my discus tank? How can we get it healed and what do I put in the water to help the process and ward off infection? The tank should be kept like this for the next 2 weeks after your discus arrival, while you replace the appropriate amount of salt during water changes. When the heat is kept high, your discus become more active, their metabolisms run well, they grow faster, and they show off better colors. A tablespoon of Aquarium Salt will help your discus with gill function improving their ability to process oxygen and expel toxins. I think most people avoid table salt because it's often iodized. This is for all the fish, plants, manzanita wood and rocks onlynot the tank or the equipment. Salt does not hurt discus in the least. Poor Water Chemistry: Many discus fish keepers are crazy enough to do 100% water changes daily. Q: What do discus fish like to eat? You will use the CaSO4 and Epson for GH and potassium carbonate for KH. But the larger one has been a phantom for a while There are a lot of fish is a small tank. There is no need. Because salt kills bacteria, this will . I think most people avoid table salt because it's often iodized. Yes, I know you change your water ten times a day and it's crystal clear. How often do i need to add salt to my saltwater aquarium? Discus are a fish that will not tolerate this elevated level of sodium in the water. External Parasites, External Problems, And Discus Medication. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend keeping the nitrate level lower than 40 ppm for planted tanks and lower than 20 ppm for non-planted tanks. Stop the treatment once the fish recovers. In preparation of the dip, use only distilled or RO/DI water. Eventually, you should end up with a nice, relatively peaceful group of six adult discus with mostly females and maybe a couple of males. #2. saltwater is a lot of work but can be very rewarding from what I hear, I am currently setting up a discus tank as I find them very beautiful and interesting. Help the fish recover by feeding them high-roughage and high-fiber food (i.e., spirulina, daphnia, brine shrimp, and algae wafers) during the next two weeks. Below we hope to help you diagnose and treat your discus fish, view our more complete guide for other Discus Fish Diseases and Treatments. For example, freshwater migrates into salty water. Selling discus fish has been my full-time job since 1990, and I launched my online discus fish store in 1994. Weve spent many years keeping discus personally at home, caring for them in our fish store, and helping customers be successful with them. PLEASE HELP!! It is called salt because of it's appearance. When you have Discus health issues related to its digestion systems such as but not limited to bloating, dropsy, or side swimming, you need to use Epsom salt as a part of your treatment. Sign Up or Log In. one tablespoon per 10 gallons. Is there a specific reason why you want to use salt? Sometimes they may have caused the problem. Final Thoughts. Checkerboard X 2 - $350 each. Epsom salts do not go away once added to the tank and will stay in the water until you change it, so you dont need to replace it unless you do a water change. Feed high-quality protein-rich foods or live food when possible. This diet helps the fish pass dead parasites from the intestinal tract. hm,i use rock salt because here water quality is very contains bacteria.and you should use rock salt instead of normal table salt which contains Iodine. I drained the tank down to half. In reality, only a small percentage of people are able to follow those rules, and the rest of the world uses more low maintenance methods. I don't use salt for my discus in almost one year of keeping discus. In most cases this is Nitrite poisoning. Some discus keepers use salt to control external parasites. Quick Guide: Discus fish at all. Cincinnati, OH > Buy & Sell > General Items in Cincinnati, OH > Discus and ram fish $1., Your email address will not be published. Different formulations exist for freshwater, herbivorous and saltwater fish. Should we feed fishes? To give your fish an Epsom salt bath, pour half of the tank's water into a clean container. There are additional details about cloudy eye here: Discus Cloudy Eye. However, they are schooling fish by nature and are much happier when surrounded by a large group of their own kind. Then we soak them in dry foods (i.e. from day 8 - water with vacuuming. This will clean them out and it will prevent any hatchlings, or anything being born that is immune to the medication while its in the reproduction stages. That is why so many of them have such bright colors. AlanGreene. Subscribe to our e-newsletter to stay up to date on our latest articles, videos, events, and more. In general, discus are slow feeders, so if you put them with speedy, bullet-shaped fish (like barbs or even huge schools of tetras), the discus will tend to lose that race. Plus, you can get a large container of Aquarium Salt for very little, that will last you a very long time. Can I add salt into a ten gallon tank filled with water for neon tetras? 3 large gold rings and 1 little (not sure type) 1 / 3. Salt helps generate slime on discus. For slightly opaque eyes, keep a bare bottom tank and treat with aquarium salt and API Furan 2 to prevent and treat bacterial infection. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); GET DISCOUNTS AND SPECIALS | JOIN JACK WATTLEY, Copyright 2023 Wattley Discus | Maintained by, How To Make Quality Beefheart Discus Food. Luckily, the eye has a protective layer that will take the burden so the entire eye is not lost. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. (can vary based on severity) Directions: Simply take a cup of tank water and mix the medication and add back into the aquarium, Change water (around 50%) before next medication, Raise the Temperature to 33 C (91 F). There are many ways of treating with metronidazole, some will say do a treatment every eight hours for 3 days because the shelf life for metronidazole in water is exactly eight hours. Discus Color Nature . Internal parasites are primarily cause by Hexamita, small intestinal parasitic diplomonads. Salt water and Snails! Also, please note: DO this video may help you. I know, you swear you buy our discus fish the very best food, but what did your discus eat before it got to your tank? So you need to find out what is causing it to prevent it from happening to your other discus fish. Hi Gabe Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 4pcs Aquarium Red Worm Feeder Cone Feeding for Fish Tank Angel Fish at the best online prices at eBay! Fish Lore is an amazon affiliate and some pages may contain links to aquarium related products on amazon: Affiliate Disclosure. Several factors need to be considered, especially if the discus fish has not been eating well or there has been a sudden change in water chemistry. Live Stock: (12) 5-6" wild discus (1) German Ram (~6) Wild Cardinal tetras (~6) Sterbi catfish (~3) Panda Cory's (1-2) Siamese Algae Eaters (~5) Otto Cats Sometimes your discus can eat too much, causing digestive issues and bloated abdomen. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If you ever have any specific questions though, we are here to help. Before adding new fish to your existing stock it is always wise to introduce a resident fish to the new arrivals. We will do our best to make sure . I am sure its fine but I have always been the kind of guy not to mess with it. Discus must have a red eye to be considered a worthy specimen Generally you are looking at a tablespoon of Aquarium Salt as a treatment. Keeper's should remember that Discus are social fish and enjoy being in a group. Dec 20, 2012. It helps to remove many organic and inorganic materials dissolved in tank water -- it keeps the aquarium water clear, and removes odors. Easiest and cheapest way is to get CaSO4, Potassium Carbonate and plain old Epson Salt. Prior to receiving your new fish you should increase your aquarium temperature that will be housing your new discus to 88-90 degrees. All hoses and nets should be kept separate or soaked in a Clorox solution, making sure to rinse thoroughly. The reason is because the discus farms we get them from usually keep their waters at these temperatures, and when we try to force them to cool down, it becomes a source of discomfort. . The length of the treatment is on a case by case basis. Some swear that epsom salt acts as a laxative. The reason is because the discus farms we get them from usually keep their waters at these temperatures, and when we try to force them to cool down, it becomes a source of discomfort. -Im often asked if Meaning, your discus fish could be in poor health or have its immune defenses compromised. Epsom salt is Magnesium sulfate a totally different mineral than salt which is sodium Chloride. Symphysodon, colloquially known as discus, is a genus of cichlids native to the Amazon river basin in South America. The sick discus fish is then immersed in the saltwater bath for a period of several hours before being returned to the hospital tank. But 99.9% of the time if your discus show any signs of trouble its because you got lazy and the water is bad. to large Discus in a 75 gallon. It is just a temporary condition but is the fish has an issue with salt water they would die. We highly recommend 85 to 86F. metronidazole (often referred to by the trade name Flagyl) Octozin. quit using it and the fish did not miss it at all. The Harlequin Rasbora makes great tank mates for the Discus fish because they are a schooling fish and ideal for a community tank of small fish species. I have tried this several times over the years and have never Metronidazole is flagyl right?I can find only flagyl pills of 250mg and 500mg.What is the dosage if i have the 500mg.You say 1gr per 20gallons but with what effectiveness ? Bigger is always better, so we personally recommend a 75-gallon aquarium or larger. That is usually caused by external bacteria building up in the system. I have got my 30 gallon painted light blue everywhere but the front. . Digg;; StumbleUpon; Google; Posting Permissions You may not post new threads; You may not post replies; You may not post attachments; You may not edit your posts ; After about a week, reassess your fish. Dont use table salt. Truth is, if your eyes burn when you go swimming in a chlorinated pool, imagine swimming in a mixture of the chemicals you are stirring into your tank. It depends. You will find that your discus will hover over this spot and enjoy some soothing benefits from the salt. We also carry timeless classics such as the Peter Thode Turquoise and Schmidt-Focke Striated Red Discus. Also, by heating up the tank, their metabolism goes up, you have to feed them more, and then more waste is created. 4. Picture 1 and 2 are parents. Assuming you're purchased your discus fish from a reputable breeder and all is well upon arrival, larger fish or even smaller more aggressive fish can out-compete and bully your discus fish, keeping it away from food. The grippier nature of the Textured Outsole is better suited to wet rings or for beginners who benefit from slightly slower throwing speeds as they learn proper mechanics. is there any effect for fishs organ during10 days treatment? A video idea if not done already, is how to get pairs to spawn again after they have stopped awhile. Once you get them eating well, consider gradually adding cardinal tetras, Sterbai cory catfish, or maybe a bristlenose pleco. 1 Tbsp Salt per 3 Gallons of Water. This is the best way to resolve cloudy eyes and keep your tanks clean. Harlequin Rasbora are tropical freshwater fish species that grow around 5 inches and live for about 6 years within a water temperature of approx 73 to 82 degrees. Different kind of salt with different properties but still a salt. I live in Texas also. Marketing companies want us to buy tons of products every year that promise to lower this and raise that, reduce, increase, buffer, blah, blah, blah. Why you want not be published entire eye is not lost while are! To spawn again after they have stopped awhile specific questions though, we pretreat with Epsom salt magnesium. Store in 1994 able to liveinhigh temperatures and they can not outcompete the for... Level of sodium in the saltwater bath for a while there are a fish that will take the pass! Mineral than salt which is sodium Chloride to process oxygen and expel toxins, pour half of dip! 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salt for discus