travel ball killing little league

Posted on 14 april 2023 by dr challoner's high school fees

Motivations: Just because you liked something as a kid, or were good at it, it doesnt mean your child will or should be. Car pool or fund transportation for those who cant get their children on time. But it also comes back to another thing: family and community. PAY FOR QUALITY UMPIRES, make sure you have enough umpires for all games and have them supported by all involved. Thats why Im writing this post. Always keep in mind why you have this child involved in sport. I spent my 20s laying the foundation for what Im doing with the rest of my life, not bouncing around in the minor leagues. Yes, Major League Baseball has its RBI Program to return baseball to urban fields. Ive seen a couple of families fall into the travel ball trap. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Travel baseball may be making people a lot of money but, in the long run, it may be killing the golden goose. I think "specialization" is killing certain sports in local markets, it depends. I learned I would have to stay in a hotel for out-of-town tournaments. Set the example for the kids. The only time we had awful politics was before our team separated and we joined the head coach. When I was playing at Arkansas, none of my teammates had a full ride from the baseball program. While you make some great points, let me provide an alternate perspective, even if I appear at present to be the lone dissenting voice. That would inevitably awaken the competitive impulse, leading to more practices, more effort expended, and the gradual creep to a higher key. Have your church thru fellowship and reach others who may be lost. My husband also was a quarterback at a Big 10 university, and my dad was a football coach, but we both chose to direct our son away from football and into other sports because of the enormous risk of injury, especially head injury. We are certain you will find a team that fits you and your youth baseball players' needs perfectly! I grew up wanting to be a major league baseball player, and Im so glad I never even got drafted. Keep him in rec ball, where he wont get burnt out because hes a kid facing the demands of a profession. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The three year old is already all in and ready to play. The MCLL Fall season has a developmental focus and is an opportunity for players to try the division they may play next Spring. Travel ball is being on the right team, knowing the right people, and working on your skill set; not that much different from academic pursuits really and more so I suppose. Josh McDowells The Last Christian Generation , weakening volunteer-based programs that promise affordable sports for all children. As Little League has declined, travel baseball has grown. Individual players who play on Little League teams are also permitted to participate in non-Little League Baseball and Softball programs. If I show my kids church is optional but reach the other parents, Ive failed. and our Little League. If youre a non-Christian reading this post, dont you want to live for something more than baseball? These reflections grow out of my own experience playing and coaching and watching other families. In the US, the program involves kids ages 4-16 and is organized into the following divisions: For a lot of kids, Little League is the first time they meet with the organized baseball. If thats the case, the league they participate in doesnt matter that much. I also need it every day of the week. I had to pay a sign-up fee of $750. For years, the Little League has been the stepping stone for kids between the fun youth play and the more serious high-school and collegiate baseball leagues. My 10 year old tried out for a travel team for over 2 months. Peter Stuyvesant Little League offers coed baseball for ages 4-16; girls softball for ages 5-17 and a Challenger Division for ages 4-18. Bud Norris, who pitches for the Houston Astros, played in Novato North LL, from Tee Ball through seniors. I would urge you to consider how trustworthy Jesus is, how he can reconcile you to God, how he has paid for your sin, and how his Spirit can enable you to love others and enjoy life with them in a gathering of people joined together at a local church. But most of them still play, in one way or another. If non-Christians are playing travel ball on Sundays and all the Christians are in church with other Christians, how will the Christians win the non-Christians to Christ? Messages conveyed: We parents need to pray daily about what messages we are sending our children by the sports or other activities we have them in. My kid started lessons at five and at almost thirteen, still going strong. Praying we keep the Lord first in all thingsand your insights help!!! He didnt make the middle school team as only travel ball kids only made it. coming down the pike. He pulls down honor roll at school and is in band. For millions of American families, paying private for-profit clubseuphemistically termed "travel teams"thousands of dollars a year to organize athletic games for their children is now an. I talked to a dad who was committed to having his family in church even when they were on the roadand he said they traveled as a family as often as they couldfor tournaments. The Broadneck, Brooklyn Park, Glen Burnie, Harundale, Havenwood, Lake Shore, and Marley Little Leagues are all no longer associated with Little League. It will look different for each family and each child. It is a trend mirrored by our schools, hospitals and military. Several thoughts on that: Their chances are greater for continuing their sporting lives, whether at college or recreationally as adults, if they arent burnt out on competition by the time they turn 18or 13, as Ive seen occur far too often. My husband and I were both very competitive athletes growing up (though we had a wide variety of interests), played travel ball in high school, and won scholarships to a Big 10 university. Having coached both my sons in travel an rec ball, and being on the board of our local rec league, serving as president for several years. On the contrary, travel baseball is pure commitment! My son is 11u, and this fall was his first (and possibly final) season of travel ball. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Little League wants parents to understand the potential dangers of allowing a child to participate in programs in which limited rules and regulations may exist while recognizing our programs rules that are designed to protect players from injury, such as Pitch Counts and equipment rules. I played two years of major college baseball at the University of Arkansas, and Ive been coaching my sons in baseball and basketball for the last 7 years or so. And yes, they will see how I live and whats important to me the other 6 days a week; for better or worse. . A job is not a game. Often, teams participate in the tournaments that take place in a city other than their own or even in another state. Players invest a lot of money and energy into it. Those conflicts are becoming more common with the increasing secularization of our country. via Facebook. Usually, coaches in travel baseball are more experienced and competent than their counterparts in the recreational leagues. Dont let one child be turned away because they cant afford registration or equipment. For us, it boils down to priorities. This post seems a departure from your normal posting and writing. Unlike travel baseball, Little League is mostly a local affair and is organized with a lot of effort and goodwill from the locals. The Little League League Finder tool quickly and easily identifies whether a residence or school address is located within the boundaries of an active Little League program. Additionally, every local Little League program in the United States with a team that travels 150 miles or more per one round trip to a section, state, and region level tournament receives a reimbursement from Little League Baseball of $1 per mile for one round trip to each tournament site, to help offset travel expenses. Not criticizing anyone not on same path, but if they want it, you wont stop them. Until more teams see value in helping the game at home, this problem for the entire sport will continue. League will play at Municipal Park or Thompson Park. We invite you take just a few moments to browse our ever expanding list of teams below. Again, its an interesting post but when it comes down to it is the field that you or other high achieving people are in really all that much different? A fun, family-friendly, reasonably affordable activity you can do with the kids? How do you help your childs best come out, leaving the potential open for higher levels of competition, while avoiding the possible detriments of rigorous levels of the sport? T-ball, Biddy, "Little League", and Teener League baseball programs for the Tamaqua Area. Is travel baseball killing Little League in America? By your argument, we should never have church services because, if were in church and the lost people arent, how are we going to win them? When comparing travel baseball vs Little League, each of the two has its own advantages and drawbacks. I know families whove mortgaged their homes so their kids can play baseball, he said. That the glory of the Lord might cover the dry land as the waters cover the sea. We enjoyed Upward for what it was and knew that it wasnt hugely competitive (for the most part). I dont usually read things that are in America. The Holy Spirit leads us all differently. You played in some tournament, and then district. It was excellent, by the way. Uniforms, equipment, and any assets belonging to the local Little League (including uniforms bearing the required Little League shoulder patch), cannot be used for non-Little League activities, or in any game or tournament not specifically approved by Little League International. I intend to keep it that way. The focus of the Little league is mainly on kids developing baseball fundamentals and having fun without too much competitive pressure. Spoiler: I wasnt good enough to keep playing. We also pushed the season back deeper into the summer so to allow high school kids (mostly JV players) to play rec ball as well. Its a Jesuit-based publication with a political slant that does not agree with mine. . For millions of American families, paying private for-profit clubseuphemistically termed travel teamsthousands of dollars a year to organize athletic games for their children is now an unquestioned way of life that shapes family routines, work schedules and commutes. After my first year of it in college, I found that what had been so fun because I had the opportunity to look forward to it in the off season, or even on days between practice or games, began to feel like a dreaded obligation that consumed a significant portion of every day. It was good for us a s a family although the wallet didnt think so. vs. travel. (Not that we did everything right by any means!!) Coach B, Come play in SBMSA in Houston. Jan 25, 9:19am. While I cant say my son progressed all that much during the Tee Ball season, other kids definitely did, and he had a ton of fun. Without a worldwide draft, teams are free to throw money at international prospects, Teams spend more money building academies in the Dominican Republic than they invest in their own backyard, where at minimum the next generation of fans live. Well, this certainly diverged off the main topic of traveling versus rec sports, but I hope it provides a little more to talk about, especially among family members. Excellence: Pursuing excellence is important, but be sure you know and your child knows what you mean by that. Travel with extended families and make bonds with good people. I have also read some of your other works and have learned much from them and enjoyed reading them. Our hope as parents is that they think of themselves first as members of Gods family and then our family, and then perhaps as an athlete, etc., after that. Too many surgeries, other arm problems, leg issues and other health issues that kids at that age shouldnt have to endure. I think Jesus said it best when He said, What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?, Thank you sir for thisI wrestle with this issue a lot as our older children (3 boys/12, 9, & 8) are starting to get to the age where this is a possibility. I was recently Contemplating to start travel ball from my son recently and for some reason Ive been holding back . It is organised by and named after The Football Association (The FA). You can argue all you want and say you go to church when you travel, but the first time you skip church because it interferes with game time, you have taught your child that a game is more important than worshipping God. We must show them how to live well so that they may flourish and worship what is enduring. This is a straw man argument that has nothing to do with the very valid points the author makes. Listen to truthful, accurate feedback from coaches. featured all American teams. Travel baseball takes a toll on kids, both mentally and physically. (Explained In Detail! As a volunteer basketball coach for 18+ years, Ive seen girls spiritually suffer by the same well-intentioned convictions of their parents. Its about the fact that fewer and fewer kids are playing baseball every year. The sport came natural to him, and he loved it. And I hope all who read my question realize that there is no 1 correct answer for everyone. The best coaches and the best players stop playing rec ball in favor of travel ball, leading to fewer teams and a lower level of competition in the rec league. Cookie Notice Its only my observation of course but many areas in life are dog eat dog competitive, as it were. They need to run and jump and exercise other muscles than the ones required by baseball. If anything, there are more youth sports options for people to pick what works best for them, even though there are. 2021 featured all American teams. I am very thankful we found an amazing travel ball coach at age six. I support you with useful and actionable information about softball and baseball. Educate them. I have been wanting to put my son on a travel team. A 51-year-old woman struck and killed a man after driving her car onto a field in Maine during a boys' baseball game. My older brother played sports from t-ball to college, probably would have went pro if he hadnt hurt his shoulder (yes, he was THAT good, Im not just saying it, he had an unhittab,e curve ball), but the decision was made when he first started that God and His church would always come first, and he would not play if there was a conflict between his first priority and the game. Little League International respects the rights of a parent(s), or legal guardian(s), to allow a child to participate in any Little League activity. Icicidirect. (He never would have been able to do this had he continued playing in college as all of the players were expected to play in a summer league each year.) ), What is the Easiest Position in Baseball? The travel baseball vs Little League debate has been a hot topic in US youth baseball for quite some time now. As a PastorI certainly appreciate the sentiments expressed in this article. I left registration, and pulled him from the Little League program. 6 year olds should play a season of teeball before signing up for Prep. My son tried out. No more! Added together, the average cost per player for a season must be well over $1,000. And something that we will continue to do playing baseball, watching baseball, playing catch, playing wiffle ball, etc. You need the church, and the church needs you. Truthfully, we have gotten better instruction and development at a Rec ball/All Star level. He was selected and after spending money on uniforms, dues, tournaments, he was cut from the team because he had a slump in his batting. However, they are much more severe. If I was in the big leagues, my summers (and falls, and springs) would be dominated by an unrelenting schedule leaving no opportunity to coach my kids teams. Certainly, both travel baseball and Little League proponents have some valid arguments and Ill try to dig a little deeper and explore the advantages and drawbacks of both systems. For more information, please see our Though parents are well-intentioned, often children are tired of pursuing what was once fun but has become a stressful climb to the next level of competition at the expense of other parts of their lives, or at the expense of joints injured by overuse. The coach was great! It's a vicious cycle. . For decades, NASCAR was a working class, southern sport. And if it means giving up travel ball, by all means give it up. And you are right about MLB not being all its cracked up to be; several of my sons college teammates were drafted in the top 10 rounds (as high as supplemental 1st round), and with only one exception, they all complained about the grind and monotony (not to mention extremely low salaries) once they entered the minor leagues. Little League - Character, Courage, Loyalty. However, I am concerned about the amount of time spent in preparation, travel, and practice that can rob a family of what is truly important from a Scriptural perspective. Division Descriptions: Teeball is for 5 and 6 year olds not ready for coach pitch baseball. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I dont even want to think about how much parents pay for their 714 year old kids to travel to tournaments, to stay in hotels, to pay the tournament entry fees, and whatever else all this costs. The league originally included boys age 8 to 12. (This, too, however, isnt a litmus test. Our league is like the one you described. We have the pressure of middle school tryouts being in 2 years, and we wanted to make sure that he did well at those tryouts. Northern Virginia Travel Baseball League. They also have T-ball divisions. I was told pitching machines are good because they pitch a consistent ball, and help with hand-eye coordination. The higher level of competition drives young players to work harder on their game. (And options do exist that dont cost an arm and a leg.) For those not going into coaching/training or the extremely few that will play professionally the focus needs to not get away from marketable skills once your done with college; which is a challenge in itself as athletes are often steered towards meaningless degrees to accommodate athletics. If you are traveling every weekend, or most of them, for a Friday, Saturday, Sunday tournament, what happens to non-sport family time? Is Travel Ball killing little league and organized baseball? Do you want to miss the younger kids games and practices? I think the key is finding the right team and families. . How does a big leaguer have a family? We come together as believers to worship and encourage one another then we go out into the world to reach people in the name of Christ Hebrews 10:25 is just one example of the Bible reminding believers that its important that we not throw church out the window to do other things. Fun for all, talent levels not seen before. I was glad he played Tee Ball, and I looked forward to the following year when I assumed there would be some kid pitching. Is it more important than being at church on Sunday morning? The fear that if children dont specialize in one sport by eighth grade they will miss opportunities is unfounded. I agree, there are a ton of options. Learn from others short comings and honor God with your precious time on the field. I simply have to go find the people that need Jesus. Rec ball in many places is competitive. Travel is not glamorous but grueling. Well, the genie of privatized baseball cannot be put back in the bottle. I found a local travel ball organization that was offering tryouts for several 10-U teams. FieroCoug. And teams may invite players from anywhere in the region. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But heavens know there has to be a way to save the sport of baseball. Once we knew about travel ball there was no going back. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); on Dont Play Travel Ball: Stay in the Rec League, Great Books Selections for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016. Today, participation is seen by many as a near necessity for talented players to develop their skills and hone their game against the best competition they can find. First some background, my son is in his third season of playing ball. I would also ask to establish contact with you for a best practices sharing of information and spreading of the works you are enjoying. Its not the uniforms, its not bat flips or the lack thereof, its not the shift, its not the pace of play. I just watched a program not too long ago on the rise of Tommy johns surgeries. I recognize that although it isnt common for kids to be offered college scholarships for sports, it obviously isnt impossible. In the end, it should all come to what the kid wants. The costs of travel baseball often put a serious strain on the family budget. And we want them to work hard, even when the going gets tough. With the emergence of travel baseball and its more developed infrastructure, Little League has lost its appeal as a path to higher levels of competition. Travel ball is expensive but studying for class is free, and an SAT book is like 20 bucks. March 28, 2014 -- A Little League coach and his family said they feared for their safety when their East Meadow, N.Y., neighbor terrorized them for a year with threatening anonymous letters because her son failed to make the summer travel team. I started my son in the Little League Tee Ball program when he was four. Now I know the reasons. The demographics of NASCAR drivers has changed dramatically. Christians need to be gathering with the same group of people every week to worship the risen Lord Jesus, to hear his word, and to fellowship with each other. Extend your season, make sure that all teams are drafted equally. Totally agree with your article. This question reveals how far our cultural worldview has intermixed with a Christian one. Christians are Christians because we worship what is true. Gallatin Little League Baseball: T-ball, Coach Pitch & Baseball You can print a registration form (PDF). As its name says, travel baseball is a form of baseball that involves traveling and playing away from the teams local area. Are those stewardship issues as well? But if missing church on a Sunday for travel ball is condemning, then missing church for family vacations, work, sickness or any other reason is the same. Besides the usual costs of buying bats, uniforms, cleats, and other equipment, there are team fees and the costs of fuel, accommodation, and dining. LL was the emphasis, there were only a couple of travel teams. The guy running the program told me he was going to have a 7/8-year-old team. As a result, many children don't get the opportunity to play and develop their skills,. That is why I was sympathetic to the angry dads argument and, in the end, took his son for the team. The biggest problem I see is the fact that there are too many marginal players who should be. Let kids be kids, they and their bodies will decide what they can and cant do. Many of the assertions in this article are quite true. Additionally, as an exercise physiologist, Im very pro movement, health and sports, but believe balance in life is key. Baseball cant raise the dead, but Jesus will do just that when he returns to make this world into the new heavens and new earth. Now think about NASCAR. These are presented in the order in which I suspect most dads think about them, not in the order of importance I would rank them (#6 would be #1, and #4 would be #2). I had my schedule back. We have commodified the play of millions of children intoa $19.2 billion business, weakening volunteer-based programs that promise affordable sports for all children. A knock-down, drag-out battle royale between more than a dozen parents and coaches at a kids' Little League game could result in criminal charges against some of . Kids are smarter than what we want to give them credit for. Falls Church Klwanis Little League. Thanks for sharing them. All 9YO players. This is great information, but unfortunately rec ballaka little leagueis a political nightmare where I am from and for many others. Its apparent that wegenerally speakingspend more time encouraging our children to pursue athletic excellence than we do in developing a Biblical Worldview in them. Often this will vary from league to league and from coach to coach. sacrifice your sons childhood on the altar of the hope, each team is allowed a maximum of 11.7 scholarships, Dont Play Travel Ball: Stay in the Rec League | For His Renown | Pastor John Reading List,, 6-String Salvo, February 12, 2016 Mike Lee, The Daily Discovery (February 12, 2016) - Entreating Favor, More Great Reading | Second Chance Pastor, Todays Links // 4 Free Kindle Books, Worship Songs, Socialist Millennials, Buy a Friend App, Freedom from Anxiety | Word + Life | Mid-way through the season, I asked the coach if there would be an opportunity for some kid pitching. Travel ball, by contrast, is not cheap participation fees average about $2,000 per player per year. 12527 posts. As a mom of a 10 year old girl who has played both travel and rec softball we have seen first hand the pros and cons of both. It was something that we passed on to them. Im not saying that travel ball is a sin, but it seems to be something that Satan can use to tempt people away (especially dads). This mentally effects the kids also with so much pressure to do well. There may be instances in which its the right thing, and when a kid gets to be 15 to 16 years old, its understandable that commitment levels and demands are going to rise and choices are going to have to be made. . I was impressed when we showed up that the Varsity girls took a little time to welcome her and get her situated before the coaches were ready. And though the book purports to be comprehensive . Wow this article really spoke to me. However, players who do participate in any non-Little League activity, and miss games or practices because of such participation, may be suspended or dismissed from their Little League team by action of the local Little League Board of Directors. For a 9 year old team the average tournament entry fee will be $200-$300 EVERY weekend, not to mention the gate fee of at least $10 per person per day. And this, more than anything else, is the problem with the continued growth and success of baseball. Part of the argument for travel ball is the appeal of better competition. My son (now aged 26) was approached from age 10 on to play travel ball, but we declined year after year because it would pull us away from church plus cost us a small fortune. If youre exalting baseball over all these other things, areyou serving a false god, an idol, that is going to use you and then throw you away? In addition to a spring season, PSLL offers a summer league, summer camps, fall ball, and a winter skills clinic. Softball and baseball even in another state a Biblical worldview in travel ball killing little league should play a season be... 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travel ball killing little league

travel ball killing little league