which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis

Posted on 14 april 2023 by dr challoner's high school fees

For each of the arguments below, offer an alternative explanation that already exists, which thus renders the outcome probable and the argument logically weak. WebA hypothesis is a potential answer to the question, one that can somehow be tested. For a solution to be termed a scientific hypothesis, it has to be an idea that can be supported or refuted through carefully crafted experimentation or observation. First: make observations; Last: Interpret data. a. immature 2. For example, our hypothesis in this case could be that the toast didn't toast because the electrical outlet is broken. Hypotheses are guesses; theories are correct answers. It is not offered as a reason to believe that the water boiled quickly. c. fans are not affected in terms of aggressive tendencies by watching a sporting event WebThe explanatory hypothesis is the heart of the case formulation. There was no control group with which to compare his patients who received the treatment. In the late 1950s, a doctor reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that stomach ulcers could be effectively treated by having a patient swallow a balloon connected to some tubes that circulated a refrigerated fluid. They must satisfy the correct form condition, but, like every other inductive argument, they would be logical failures were that their only success; they must also satisfy the total evidence condition. In other words, it means that you cannot use all of the relevant available evidence in making this particular judgmentyou must exclude the assumption that the explanation is true, and you must exclude observations that might have already been made in the attempt to verify premise 2. Punishment motivates learning better than does reward.. For general explanations, a good way to check for simplicity is to ask. His argument would gain some logical strength if, when we looked for them, we could find sexual images in advertisements more often than we find them in the clouds. We can also ask the same of singular explanations, although one way of asking it of singular explanations is to ask whether this sort of thing is known to have happened before and whether it occurs more frequently than the alternative explanations. Science85. For instance, of 15 Donner Party members who attempted to snowshoe out in late December, all five women survived while eight of the ten men died. How in the world did you deduce that? I asked. An experimental design in which the subjects do not know what treatment (if any) they are receiving. Examine the list of all known species of birds and determine if any cannot fly. This disregard for weather extended even to the pouring of concrete. Also termed the data, the prediction, or the facts. General explanationssuch as Newtonian mechanics applies to the motion of celestial bodies or Vitamin C helps prevent coldsdo not lend themselves to the question about comparative frequencies because they are general. It is much harder to invent an explanation that successfully predicts future observations. the operation of the whole mind rather than the individual parts. I searched the apartment, but it was nowhere to be found. b. It includes the presumption of causation. For a hypothesis to be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. Explanatory arguments come in several varieties. Which of the following defines hypothesis? Searching for a once volcanic place of origin, researchers ruled out both Venus, because the atmosphere is too thick for such a rock to have escaped, and the moon, since it stopped erupting 3 billion years ago. C. It's WebTranscribed image text: www.bbt.com Our Time.com Cesearch Foundations, Process, and Ethics Savod Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? her own conscious experience. Would it require the world to function in mysterious ways or in ways that differ dramatically from the ways that are well established by science? Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Ban alcoholic beverages at sporting events. An explanationalso termed a theory or an explanatory hypothesisis, for our purposes, loosely defined as a statement that enables us both to predict and to better understand the cause of that which it explains. Is the if-clause offered as superior to alternative explanations of the then-clause? This interlocks with the test, under the preceding improbable-outcome criterion, of asking whether an explanation for the outcome already exists. Is the if-clause intended to provide a better causal understanding of the then-clause? So far as I know, officials have not used backward code words in their public speeches, so the prior probability of the explanation is exceedingly low. Neither of the two alternatives has been ruled out, and either is more probable than that she is one of the very few people who has perfected special coin-tossing skill. I knew you came from Afghanistan. But this explanation has an exceedingly low prior probability. WebThe explanatory hypothesis is the heart of the case formulation. Psychoanalytic theory focuses on ________ and early childhood experiences. D. It excludes the presumption of A pathway by which we can come to discover and better understand our world. Statistics and Probability questions and answers, Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? A Guide to Good Reasoning: Cultivating Intellectual Virtues by David Carl Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. A) experiential method B) scientific method C) intuitive process D) strategic management process E) account planning philosophy B) scientific method Males exhibit higher levels of aggression than females. Senator Claiborne Pell (D-RI), wrote an alarmed letter to the secretary of defense; he had discovered the word simone (pronounced si-MO-nee) in the secretarys taped speeches, as well as in the speeches of the secretary of state and of the presidentwhen the speeches were played backwards. WebTranscribed image text: www.bbt.com Our Time.com Cesearch Foundations, Process, and Ethics Savod Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? c. with the intent to harm psychologically. No one can even begin to provide an account of the conceptual framework, of the causal mechanisms, that would make sense of it. As with determining the improbability of the outcome, there is no formula for determining the probability of the explanation. WebExploratory research: Definition. 2. If vitamin C helps prevent colds, then the group taking vitamin C has substantially fewer colds than the group taking the placebo. It is just an explanation, designed to make the unexpected experience easier to understand. e. Follow up. The more surprising the outcome would be, the lower the prior probability and the stronger the logic of the argument. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) experienced a record level of profitability in 2004 Soles And chivalry didnt make the difference, the researchers say, since women got no more food than men. WebQuestion: Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? b. In a research study, any condition applied to subjectsthose in the treatment groupthat is not applied to subjects in a control group. Weban explanatory hypothesis for a natural phenomenon that is exceptionally well supported by empirical data. All of these. Not too badly, if we compare the frequencies of each. The explanationthat he was a Marine sergeantcomes next. Exploratory research is defined as a research used to investigate a problem which is not clearly defined. c. Small-scale, on-the-field aggressive acts serve as triggers for crowd aggression. H. Huxley, letter, September 23, 1860. Partly because this revised outcome would be false, it has not been offered; so the argument is handicapped by an outcome that leaves the luck alternative still standing. Explanation: Simone is a code word. d. The experimental subjects do not know which (if any) treatment they are receiving. That should prove to you that it is running low. It just plain disappeared. d. college students studying counseling Treatment: in a research study, any condition applied to subjects - those in the treatment group - that is not applied to subjects in a control group. e. instrumental-reactive aggression theory, According to more recent research by Anderson and Bushman, aggression ranging from instrumental to reactive should be viewed MIU had practiced TM on eight nonconsecutive days, without a miss, when the preceding days forecast predicted mild or continuing mild weather. I hope this explains it for all hands. Observable outcome: As my horoscope says, at 3:00 today my bank will call and tell me that they have gone bankrupt and my life savings is lost. As we have seen, explanations that make good sense are those for which we have an adequate conceptual frameworkfor which we have a reasonably good account of the causal mechanisms involved. The oracle tended to utter solemn pronouncements of a very unspecific sortfor example, I see grave misfortune in your future. It was almost inevitable that such a vague prediction would come true. It is freeloading; so it deserves no credit when the outcome comes true. P.S. The independent variable is manipulated to cause-effect on the dependent variable and the dependent variable is measured to examine the effect Aggression is detrimental to performance. Its a favorite of macabre schoolchildren. Again, the two sorts are subject to the same logical standards, though we can shape our inquiry a bit differently in each case. Webe. For the observable outcome of premise 2 is something that we would fully expect, even if the explanation were false. I never thought it would work, but I read somewhere that we should get a cat if we wanted to rid ourselves of the mice in the garage. Psychology is a social science discipline. Bring it all together by fully clarifying and evaluating the explanatory arguments in each of these passages. But if Halley was right about Newtons views, there would be detectable regularitiescertain comets would be found to follow fixed elliptical orbits around the sun. The husband said he put the pipe somewhere, and the plumber had no way of knowing where; how often is someone going to be able to sneak in and find something like that without being caught? But there is a viable alternative explanation for this outcomenamely, Escaping from a shipwreck is largely a matter of luck, shipwrecks having little regard for passengers religious beliefs. Now its been discovered that the icebergs are broken pieces of huge ice shelves that are hundreds of years old, according to a study reported in the, Death and disaster provide a convincing argument that, contrary to the persistent notion, women are not the weaker sex. Confirmation biasour natural tendency to look for outcomes that support our preferred explanation rather than those that might also falsify the alternatives. e. modeling, c. an interaction of situations and personal beliefs, The general aggression model proposes that when aggression occurs, it will be Explanatory Impotence Explanatory impotence is the opposite of explanatory power. Where, then, could the extraterrestrial have come from? A. Clarify the explanatory argument in each of the following passages. . Webe. An explanation is in this way like a machine. Favoring outcomes that rule out alternative explanations is an especially powerful strategy. Newtons theories, for example, while applied here to Halleys comet, actually cover the motion of all objects at all times. Exp. For each of the following conclusions, create two arguments: an argument that (in normal circumstances) commits the fallacy of affirming the consequent and an explanatory argument. Suppose Halley had decided to look for confirmation of Newtons celestial mechanics by studying the sun rather than comets and, based on Newton, had confidently predicted that the sun would rise the next day. When the outcome already has a high prior probability, the hypothesis does no work. They took me off all of them and since then Ive had no attacks. Men are evolutionarily built for aggression. Web16.4 Summary of Chapter Sixteen. b. trained counselors My friend was right. Healthy elderly people who rated their health as poor were two to six times more likely to die within the next four years than those who said their health was excellent. Bottom Line, citing the work of Professor Ellen Idler of Rutgers University. correlated, but not causal. Does this mean that explanatory arguments are always fallacious? It is an argument. Rather, it is simply necessary that it not be implausibly low and that it be higher than that of the leading alternative explanations. On the other hand, does the arguer seem to expect the form alone to provide the logical support for the conclusion? Aggression has been defined as which of the following? Theories are hypotheses that have been proved. d. For both general and singular explanations, ask whether this sort of explanation makes sensethat is, whether there is a satisfactory conceptual framework for it and whether it is more satisfactory than the alternatives. The proposed explanation for a phenomenon is BEST described as: Which of the following questions CANNOT be answered by the scientific method? He goes to great lengths to take care of her. In which of the following situations is aggression likely to occur? A steady, respectable, middle-aged man, too, on the face of himall facts which led me to believe that he had been a sergeant. Wonderful! I ejaculated. When you cannot think of another explanation, it can be tempting to accept an explanatory argument even when the prior probability of the explanation is exceedingly low. If the prior probability of the outcome is high, then we expect the outcome to happen anywayeven if the hypothesis is false. This hypothesis is not necessarily the right explanation. have been. At the end of the summer term, the teachers at a New England school were informed that certain children had been identified as spurters who could be expected to do well over the coming months. Young women purchase fewer meats than women who are 35 years of age or older. I thought somebody must be barbecuing. Both the premise and the conclusion of an inductive generalization are concerned with the same subject matter. Then it is an explanatory argument. I recently organized a small test of this hypothesis. If it is a singular explanation, you can ask if it is the sort of thing that is known to happen, and if it tends to happen more frequently than do the alternatives. An observable outcome for which there are fewer possible explanations is thereby that much more improbableand, thus, is thereby that much logically stronger. This argument would have the same form as the first one, differing only in the nature of the observable outcome. The increases to Work in Process-Roasting Department for Highlands Coffee Company for May as well as information concerning production are as follows: Workinprocess,May1,1,150pounds,40%completed$1,700CoffeebeansaddedduringMay,10,900pounds28,600ConversioncostsduringMay12,504Workinprocess,May31,800pounds,80%completedGoodsfinishedduringMay,11,250pounds\begin{array}{lr}\text { Work in process, May 1, 1,150 pounds, } 40 \% \text { completed } & \$\hspace{10pt}1,700 \\ \text { Coffee beans added during May, 10,900 pounds } & 28,600 \\ \text { Conversion costs during May } & 12,504 \\ \text { Work in process, May 31, } 800 \text { pounds, } 80 \% \text { completed } & - \\ \text { Goods finished during May, } 11,250 \text { pounds } & -\end{array} Several other terms account for roughly the same thing. serves here as an explanation of the otherwise unpredictable appearance of the comet on Christmas Day of 1758. One morning she wakes up after a late night reading and finds her vision is somewhat blurred; she immediately diagnoses optic neuritis. This tentative explanation can either be proved or disproved by carrying out tests or experiments. B. Select the correctly ordered list of psychological perspectives, with the earliest perspective listed first. The observable outcomealso termed the data, the prediction, or the factsfollows from the explanation and can in a certain way, at a certain time, and under certain conditions, be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. No more mice. Who was the first person referred to as a psychologist? Teacher to student: I never received your research paper. In science, theories tend to be ___________ than hypotheses. Why would you try to persuade your friend of something you have both just agreed is true? B. Scott Jones, a staff member for U.S. Step 1. Ive really slimmed down. Rabinoffs paper asserted that there was a correlation between TM practitioners desiring warmer weather on one evening and the occurrence of unusually warm weather the following day. There are a few money managers who succeed on the basis of skillmultibillionaire Warren Buffet is the most famous example. What is the MOST IMPORTANT flaw in this investigation? Another explanation for the sunrise already exists in our own background evidencethat the earth is rotating on its axis. e. neglectful. Why, that he was a retired sergeant of Marines. . Which theorist published research related to the psychology of personality? These were huge, precise patterns of bent stalks of wheat, corn, and barley that lent themselves to spectacular aerial photographs. An observable outcome for which there are fewer possible explanations is that much more improbableand, thus, is that much logically stronger. But explanatory arguments that rely heavily on mystery or that depend on the overthrow of science cannot be considered successful until they do the hard work of filling in the blanks. c. when participants perceive they are the recipients of poor officiating The fallacy of affirming the consequent is a fallacy only of arguments that rely solely on form for their logical successthat is to say, it is a fallacy of deductive arguments. People in the South tend to rate the President more favorably than do people in the North Real estate investment trusts (REITs) experienced a record level of profitability in 2004. Well, Abby, this should clear up the mystery of MY missing pipe. Punishing student pilots when they perform poorly is followed by improved performance more often than rewarding them when they perform well. a. situational causes For exactly the same reason, we can hardly consider astrology to be supported when someone finds that the days horoscope has some truth in it; horoscopes are worded so vaguely that there are almost always events that can be interpreted as making them true. . unintentional aggression. b. in the quest of some nonaggressive goal. For any explanation you can ask whether it makes sensethat is, whether there is an adequate conceptual framework to account for the causal mechanisms required by the explanation. When an explanations prior probability is extremely low, another alternative explanation is deception. Categorize types of drugs used to treat psychological disorders. 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which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis

which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis