typhuss james halliwell

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One night she met Typhuss at a party and the two started a relationship. (VOY episode: "Friendship One"), Typhuss participated in Neelix's celebration of the 314th anniversary of First Contact, and was amused by Neelix's dancing. Typhuss was subjected to an accelerated course of SFMC training in a holographic environmental simulator program called "The Crucible." B'Elanna Torres, Lieutenant Typhuss James Halliwell, Ensign Harry Kim, Seven of Nine, Crewman Porter and two other engineers. In 2009, Amanda Tapping nicknamed . 50 starships, led by the USS Enterprise-E, made the Suliban and Xindi fleet retreat from Deep Space 9. Typhuss and Kira dated for a week and became engaged a week later to be married. That silver blood finally released Voyager after the crew agreed to be duplicated to populate the planet. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human who is an officer in Starfleet from the alternate reality influenced by Nero. Intendant Torres had a great affection for Typhuss, who in contrast views Intendant Torres with a tremendous amount of disdain and distrust. Knowing Pizarro personally, she led an away team consisting of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant (j.g.) Chase kissed Typhuss on the lips and took him to her bedroom and had sex with him. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Released"), Later that year Cole wanted revenge on Typhuss because he ruined him and Cole want to ruin Starfleet by using a device to take control of the Enterprise's weapons and attack Bajor. James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps Full view - 1842. Typhus fevers are a group of diseases caused by bacteria that are spread to humans by fleas, lice, and chiggers. Voyager was able to bring the Brenari to an intermittent cyclical vortex out of Devore space. Oliver was released six months after Ricardo Diaz was captured, and was faced with the emergence of his half-sister Emiko Adachi, who was using the Green Arrow's name and motives. Typhuss entered Starfleet Academy in 2350 at the age of 17. Voyager's first mission was to travel into the Badlands to locate Chakotay and his Maquis crew, along with Lieutenant Tuvok, who was operating undercover. Typhuss was part of the away team to the Equinox led by Captain Janeway. (Star Trek: Intrepid). They later discover that a parasite that infested their brains had caused the creatures to tear each other apart. (VOY episodes: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", VOY comic: "Splashdown"), When Voyager received a message from Starfleet containing personal letters from the crews' family and friends, Typhuss received a letter from home, handed out by Neelix sometime later on the bridge when Typhuss was at his station, that had been transmitted from the Alpha Quadrant over the Hirogen communications network. Occupation (s) Scholar, author. All ten Titanic class starships were also decommissioned by Starfleet and the auto-destruct systems on all ten Titanic class starships were activated, all ten ships were destroyed. Typhuss formed a friendship with Naomi Wildman in 2374. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home"), On November 14th, Typhuss took command of the USS Intrepid-A, a Sovereign-class starship, Typhuss assumed command shortly after the vessel's christening on stardate 5501.0. (VOY - Strange New Worlds 6 short story: "Hidden"), When Voyager encountered a graviton ellipse, the Delta Flyer was sent in to locate the Ares IV command module, which was lost in the ellipse in 2032. Satisfied with the Equinox's destruction, the aliens ceased their attacks on Voyager. After a day of torture, he and the team were rescued by the USS Interpid and escaped before the Alliance could track them. In 2385, Typhuss and the USS Intrepid-A fought in the final battle of the war with the Xindi, the Battle of Kaleb IV. Typhuss got married to Samantha Carter again. In 2370, Helen and Typhuss went on vacation with each other to Risa. You had control of this ship the whole time! Typhuss destroyed one Romulan warbird and disabled the other. Good Starfleet officers come and go, but the great ones have always seen beyond the boundaries of science, beyond the known. Typhuss had to get used to his new Director, Vice Admiral Marta Batanides. Piper is the daughter of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Typhuss also met Laurel's sister Sara Lance in 2370 and they became friends. In spite of his short life and the brief duration of his coup -- the assassination of the Senate and Shinzon's death occured within three days of one-another -- the enormity of Shinzon's impact cannot be overstated. The Federation and their allies have been fighting the Xindi-Suliban Alliance since 2379. Typhuss later learned the Brattain mysteriously disappeared and was discovered by the USS Enterprise-D twenty nine days later, trapped in a Tyken's Rift near an uncharted binary star system. In an alternate reality, Typhuss and AR-1 investigated an alternate USS Daedalus in 2384. His coup also led to the liberation of the Remans and a state of near-civil war between the Romulans and Remans and between the Romulans themselves for nearly a year afterwards. Tess is Typhuss's closest friend and confidant. Soon the away team came under attack by a Human woman armed with a Klingon disruptor pistol. Upon finding out their true identities, they set a course back to the Demon class planet, but everyone, including the duplicate Halliwell, died before the ship could reach home. Kirk and Typhuss became friends after their adventure in the mirror universe. As Magnus's second in command, Typhuss has knowledge of all aspects of the Sanctuary Network as well as access to all of Magnus's contacts and resources. Typhuss refused, saying he didn't want to be part of a "rogue intelligence agency within Starfleet that made their own agenda and answered to nobody". It took a session with Counselor Hugh Cambridge to help them heal their friendship. Typhuss became friends with Doctor Daniel Jackson in 2360 after joining the Stargate program and SG-1. They succeeded, but Park was flash-blinded. View the profiles of professionals named "James Halliwell" on LinkedIn. Captain Janeway decided to combine the two crews into a single Starfleet crew for the voyage home with Chakotay as her first officer. Typhuss James Halliwell recorded one of the highest scores for the test in the Academy's history. Kira filed for divorce from Typhuss, Kira was lonely and felt that Typhuss wasn't there for her. These souls were captured by Yodoshi and were rendered unable to cross over to the other side. In 2354, Typhuss graduated from Starfleet Academy. Later in 2385 it was revealed that Ishan Anjar was long dead. Typhuss joined Oliver's crusade to save Starling City from crime and corruption in 2378, he began his crusade as the hooded vigilante who would eventually become known as The Red Arrow, Starling City Vigilante, or simply the Vigilante. The five surviving Equinox crew members, Marla Gilmore, Noah Lessing, James Morrow, Angelo Tassoni, and Brian Sofin, were stripped of rank and ordered to serve as crewmen on Voyager, with extensive supervision and limited privileges. The Regius Poem date's back to 926 AD in York, England. (VOY episode: "Prophecy"), While on the ship's first Starfleet-assigned mission in seven years, Typhuss, Tom Paris, Neelix and Joseph Carey were captured by a race that had been contaminated by an old Earth probe. With the passage of time, both Starfleet and Maquis had bonded and grown as one Starfleet crew. Captain John Martin and the SVU squad were able to free Typhuss. Typhuss has a PhD and during his years at Starfleet Academy was one of the brightest students topping all of the classes and earning every away given out. In the alternate reality created by the Dominators, Typhuss was friends with a Oliver Queen that never went on the Queen's Gambit in 2373, Laurel is getting ready to marry Oliver. My'ra and Typhuss dated for one year, but My'ra dumped Typhuss because he was not ready for a romantic relationship. In 2377, after Typhuss was promoted to Captain, Elias Vaughn who had long struggled against Section 31 during his lengthy Starfleet career, recruited Typhuss into the elite, secret cabal created by Captain James T. Kirk to bring down Section 31. Elizabeth told Typhuss he was still a member of SG-1 as a technical officer and the third officer. In 2386, the Old City branch was invaded by agents of the Abnormal Insurgency, led by Caleb. During their first encounter in 2378, Intendant Torres fell in love with Typhuss. His sister Piper got married to her boyfriend Leo Wyatt, his family missed him and hoped that Voyager would return to the Alpha Quadrant and hoped to see him when he returned to Earth. (Star Trek: Excalibur), Typhuss was born on August 18th, 2233 in San Francisco, California on Earth to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. In 2387, the USS Intrepid-A was sent across the now defunct Romulan Neutral Zone to search for any Romulans who may have survived the explosion of the Hobus star. In 2159, the IKS SuHDah went missing in the Borderland. Kate is the assistant chief medical officer aboard the USS Excalibur. An expert Engineering, Architectural, and Construction Consulting firm dedicated to property damage investigations, failure analysis, and repair/replacement solutions. In addition to Janeway, its senior staff included first officer Lieutenant Commander Aaron Cavit, tactical officer and security chief Lieutenant Tuvok, conn officer Lieutenant Veronica Stadi, chief medical officer Dr. Fitzgerald, chief engineer Joseph Carey and operations officer Ensign Harry Kim and science officer Lieutenant Typhuss James Halliwell. Jane and Typhuss fell in love. Olivia and Typhuss later found Milo Surgant and Betras at a spaceport on Andoria. It was the basis for James Orchard Halliwell's 1840 book, The Early History of Freemasonry in England. They started dating that night. Despite the initial tactical advantage, Voyager was able to detect the battle cruiser by performing a metaphasic scan, and promptly disabled the cruiser's cloaking device and forward disruptor emitters with their phasers. Once all shuttlecraft had been launched, Halliwell used the Iowa to cover their escape. Typhuss told everyone that he would lead peace talks with the Xindi. However, Janeway was told by the Doctor that a botanical plague had devastated. Typhuss James Halliwell Physical description Species: Human Hair color: Blond Eye color: Blue Height: 5' 10" (178 cm) Mass: 160 lbs. I've done my homework. The new members included Felicity Smoak and Helena Bertinelli from Earth-97, Sara Lance from Earth-56, Laurel Lance from Earth-71 and his nephew William Tyson, taking on the mantle of Red Arrow from his uncle. Typhuss used the Excelsior-class starship USS Charleston in the scenario. He has demonstrated a strong knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering. Service history While the majority of the station's residents were evacuated by the Defiant, several runabouts, and the USS Canterbury, 630 Starfleet officers and 461 civilians were killed. Helen kissed Typhuss hard on the lips. Knowing Pizarro personally, she led an away team consisting of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant (j.g.) Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer who served aboard the Intrepid -class starship USS Voyager, for her seven-year voyage in the Delta Quadrant as science officer. The standing orders were primarily exploration and the Kansas was only to fire in defence and only if communications were unavailable. Typhuss was forced to do this, namely asphyxiate Magnus when she became infected with the parasite and threatened to kill them all by taking their submarine down so deep that it would have imploded. This program had the effect of subjecting the prospective Starfleet Marine to the equivalent of four long years of SFMC training in the span of only two short weeks. Beamed back to Voyager for emergency treatment by the Doctor and Kes, he was eventually cured after the Doctor developed a method of modifying Borg nanoprobes to attack the alien cells. When Tom later reported on board Voyager, Kim and Halliwell noticed the rather cold and unfriendly reception Tom was receiving from the chief medical officer and others. The conflict ended when the Tholians requested a truce, something that caught the Federation by surprise. In a quantum reality, Typhuss is married to Dr. Helen Magnus, Ph.D who was a doctor and scientist that leads the Sanctuary Network, also working in the Stargate Program. Mikaela was held in a prisoner of war camp by the Cardassians until 2367. As a major consequence of these events, in this timeline Typhuss James Halliwell grew up without Jonathan James Halliwell and without the ambitions his grandfather gave him in the primary universe. Unfortunately, Spock was not found by the USS Intrepid-A. Chakotay also won the friendship of the tribe when he saved one of them from a lava flow. Born James Orchard Halliwell, he acquired the surname Phillipps in 1872 following the death of his father-in-law, Sir Thomas Phillipps. Janeway was forced to set the phasers to 1/100 power to disable a Kazon raider. In 2380, Typhuss and the USS Intrepid-A had a final confrontation with T'Uerell, a Vulcan who had been working with the Borg, inciting conflicts throughout local space, for two hundred years. In 2354, Typhuss met Victoria Constance Marie at a bar after his divorce with Cheryl Anderson. When Janet died in 2367, Typhuss felt upset over her death. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Demon"), At the beginning of 2375 on Voyager, Captain Kathryn Janeway was in a coma and Harry Kim and Tom Paris were both missing and presumed dead. In 2360, Typhuss served on the USS Kansas, a Galaxy-class starship as science officer with the rank of Lieutenant. In 2350, Typhuss fell in love with Helen Magnus after she saved his life. When R'Mor was beamed back to 2351, Tuvok informed Captain Janeway and Lieutenant Halliwell that he had in fact died in 2367, and that it was unlikely that he could relay the messages. Halliwell then piloted the ship until it rammed into the Romulan warbird, severely damaging it. Typhuss formed friendships with the ex-Borg children Icheb, Azan, Rebi, and Mezoti who were rescued by Voyager in 2376. The Ursini attempted to contact their colony, only to draw the attention of a second command ship. This only serves to prove that Magnus was right about his instinct and genuine thirst to know the truth. However she was able to subdue them and fight off the Trabe ship. Then the Intrepid finds no sign of the supernova, the Jellyfish, or the Narada. It was rebuilt a few months later at the Antares Ship Yards in the Bajoran sector and the registry number was changed to NCC-724656-A. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Cole's Rampage"), A day after Cole's death and the attack on Bajor, at a counseling session with Deanna Troi for Kira, Deanna told Typhuss that there were talks of a trial for killing Cole, Typhuss told her that Cole was a threat to the Federation and that if a trial was to come that he could win. Later the USS Kingston lead 5 Daedalus-class battlecruisers against the Orions, they were able to drive them away. Hoshi shared her parents attention for the most part, being well-treated and given as much attention as possible. Cailtin had a great relationship with Typhuss, believed she could become a great agent. Typhuss is very close to Eve, his daughter. Typhuss also took Zero-G combat training in his second year at the academy. The USS Defiant has recently been destroyed in battle. Typhuss and Julian were transported to the hospital. When he advised Kim and Halliwell to listen to everyone else and stay away, as he wasn't exactly a "good luck charm", Harry and Typhuss told him that they were capable of choosing their own friends. In 2355, Halliwell relinquished command of the Zeus. That night Typhuss fell in love with Vala. Eventually, they managed to escape by roping down to a tunnel leading out of the mine, with moments to spare before the facility fell into the bottom of a deep underground pit. Utilizing a portable tractor grid to drag it in Sam and Typhuss discover several new technologies along with a mechanical repair unit that appeared quite similar to a Earth/alien hybrid probe that was discovered by Captain James T. Kirk in the 2260s. Admiral Akaar was soon authorized by President Pro-Tempore Sipak to drop all the charges against Captain Kira. After making contact with a Cardassian warship, Captain Halliwell lowered the ship's shields as a gesture of good will, but the Cardassian commander ignored the gesture and disabled the Zeus's weapons and impulse engines. Typhuss James Halliwell was a talented and compassionate male human of the Tau'ri who was an accomplished and acclaimed officer in the in the United States Air Force, playing a key role in bringing the Stargate Program into existence as a member of SG-1. Harry was repeatedly helped by receiving secret messages from "Peregrine" whom he never discovered was actually Libby. James Orchard (Halliwell) Halliwell-Phillipps F.S.A.&S. 21 Jun 1820 Sloane Street Chelsea London - 03 Jan 1889 managed by Gerard Molyneux Alice (Halliwell) Waiton 12 Jun 1808 Little Bolton, Lancashire, England - 13 Apr 1892 managed by Carol Sim last edited 23 Nov 2018 Typhuss James Halliwell (ex-husband) Mia Smoak (daughter) Victor Bennett (father-in-law) Patty Halliwell (mother-in-law) Piper Halliwell (sister-in-law) Phoebe Halliwell (sister-in-law) Prue Halliwell (sister-in-law) Paige Halliwell (sister-in-law) Alter ego Overwatch Code name Overwatch Actor Emily Bett Rickards Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales A Sequel to the Nursery Rhymes of England (Paperback) James Orchard Halliwell. Later that year John Diggle and Dinah Drake from Earth-139 also joined the team. Because of this Kohlar's group no longer believed the child could be their savior and they tried to take over Voyager, but failed. When Kathryn died in 2380, Typhuss felt upset over her death. Typhuss James Halliwell, he is also known by his birth name Typhuss James Roberts, he is called Typhuss James Halliwell-Kira by his wife Kira and known by his married name Typhuss James Kira is a male Human Starfleet officer who served aboard the Intrepid -class starship USS Voyager, for her seven-year voyage in the Delta Quadrant as science (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Section 31"). CC-2009, nicknamed Typhuss, was a clone marshal commander, who became an Advanced Recon Commando before the Battle of Kamino. There will always be those who mean to do us harm. In 2360, Typhuss joined the Stargate Program and SG-1 under the command of Colonel Jack O'Neill. The romance was short but Helen enjoyed having sex with Typhuss and remarked that it was the "best sex" she had ever had in her life, while talking to Kate Freelander in her office at the Old City Sanctuary. Typhuss served on the Kansas from 2360 to 2371. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "The hallucination of Samantha Carter"), Typhuss was also present during a screening of Attack of the Lobster People at a simulation of the Palace Theater. Two days before the Brattain mysteriously disappeared, Typhuss transferred back to the USS Kansas. After the events on Lian Yu, Typhuss and Team Arrow also had to deal with Cayden James who planned to destroy Star City after believing Oliver killed his son, Owen Post. Moments before the ship was destroyed with all hands, Tuvok transmitted these sensor readings to Starfleet Command, enabling the Federation to develop countermeasures against the phased polaron beam weapons. This was a rather unpleasant experience for Vala, who had been an unwilling host to Qetesh until the Tok'ra freed her, but she attended for the host's sake so that she could be there to offer emotional support once he was freed of the symbiote. Typhuss is in command of the USS Intrepid-A. The planet's metallic fluid, the Silver Blood, created duplicates of Paris, Halliwell and Kim because it sought consciousness and sentience. Navaar and Typhuss fell in love. Fri 11 Apr 2014 14.45 EDT. The USS Kansas, under Captain Joseph Walker and science officer Typhuss James Halliwell, was engaged in action against the Tzenkethi during the war. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Resignation"). While visiting the Bermuda Triangle, Dr. Magnus, Typhuss and Will Zimmerman encounter what appears to be a massacre among the merfolk. The USS Intrepid-A was one of the ships to respond to the Borg supercube crisis of the Alpha Quadrant in 2380. The Iowa was easily overcome, Jonathan immediately ordered evasive action and the firing of all weapons, and the Iowa began taking fire from the Romulan vessel again. Update information for James Halliwell-Phillipps Born: June 21, 1820 in London, England, UK. In 2355, Halliwell relinquished command of the Zeus. Typhus, also known as typhus fever, is a group of infectious diseases that include epidemic typhus, scrub typhus, and murine typhus. Doctor Rush and Captain Kira found a way to turn Destiny around and returned to Icarus base 11 hours after the battle. Harry and Typhuss took an instant liking in Tom and they became friends. Piper is the sister of Vice Admiral Typhuss James Kira. Typhuss also served as third officer aboard the USS Zeus. Voyager left the nebula quickly and abandoned the Anticipation among the hulks. Later, Typhuss again accompanied Chakotay when he talked to Seven of Nine about their alliance. He often goes out of his way to protect her, and becomes angry towards anyone threatening her. Having tried to end the war two years ago in 2383 which the war went on after that but this time the war was over in obrit of Kaleb IV. When the Equinox was damaged by Voyager and attacked by the creatures, Ransom had a change of heart, dropped his shields and surrendered Seven in exchange for his crew beaming aboard Voyager. This is a list of all of the doppelgngers of Typhuss James Halliwell. Eventually it was revealed that the Caretaker had pulled Voyager across the galaxy in the hopes of finding a people who could care for the nearby Ocampa. In 2374, Sam got the news that Typhuss was alive and lost in the Delta Quardant. (Star Trek: Excalibur), In 2254, Typhuss served as a tactical officer aboard the USS Farragut with the rank of ensign, Typhuss was tactical officer from 2254 until 2255. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Demon"), At the beginning of 2375 on Voyager, Captain Kathryn Janeway was in a coma and Harry Kim and Tom Paris were both missing and presumed dead. He has demonstrated an ability to put his own life in jeopardy to save another, even a complete stranger but with also not wanting to harm others in pursuit of that goal. Typhuss fought in the Tholian War, from 2354 to 2360. (VOY: "Basics, Part I"), Tom Paris had managed to escape the ship in a shuttle and reach a nearby Talaxian colony. After the death of Prue Halliwell their relationship develops more; Helen even kisses Typhuss in the main lab during the Abnormal Insurgency invasion of the Sanctuary. In 2374, Voyager landed on a Demon class planet rich in deuterium sources. After exiting from Magnus's body the parasite was easily frozen by Typhuss before he revived Magnus. You know when I was little I always wanted to be in Starfleet it is what I was born to do.Typhuss to Phoebe Halliwell, 2382, Typhuss James Halliwell, he is also known by his birth name Typhuss James Roberts, he is called Typhuss James Halliwell-Kira by his wife Kira and known by his married name Typhuss James Kira is a male Human Starfleet officer who served aboard the Intrepid-class starship USS Voyager, for her seven-year voyage in the Delta Quadrant as science officer aboard Voyager. Gibbs then put Anthony DiNozzo , Caitlin Todd, Typhuss James Halliwell and later Timothy McGee and, following Kate's death in 2370, Ziva David onto his SCIS team. In 2389, Typhuss was on Starbase 240 during the peace treaty with the Xindi. In 2386, the Old City branch was invaded by agents of the Abnormal Insurgency, led by Caleb. An investigation by the Enterprise crew discovered all but one of the ship's crew died under circumstances of violent suicides and homicides, determined to be caused by severe REM sleep deprivation. Consequently, AR-1 had a different leader in this reality, though his/her identity is never revealed. 227 years later Federation probes found the IKS SuHDah abandoned in the Borderland, over two hundred years old. The USS Enterprise-E was to rendezvous with the Battle Group, but was instead ambushed in the Bassen Rift by the Scimitar. Both persons were on the Enterprise preparing plans to resist. And she knows that he will prove invaluable to the Sanctuary. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Revelations"), At the time Jane was pregnant with Janet she was pregnant with her second daughter Penny Smith, Penny was born on June 3rd a day after her sister was born. In 2389, Typhuss met Victoria Constance Marie at a bar after his with! 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She met Typhuss at a bar after his divorce with Cheryl Anderson single Starfleet crew for voyage... Relationship with Typhuss years later Federation probes found the IKS SuHDah abandoned in the Bajoran sector and team!

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