if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

Posted on 14 april 2023 by south bridge shooting

I had a pit bull and I loved her and cared for her. I dont believe for a minute that animal all of a sudden became aggressive for no apparent reason, just out of the blue, unless he had a brain tumour, 10 out of 10 times its due to the owners ignorant and neglectful keep, which usually ends by doubly victimizing the animal. I have a dog and a cat I cant imagine giving them up for any reason. Mid-South Spay Neuter's regular prices for spay/neuter are $55 & up for cats ($35 for feral cats) and $80 & up for dogs. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312. Yes if they surrender a pet to a kill shelter they should never be allowed to adopt another pet. I believe all out going dogs should be microchiped. If theyre a repeat surrendererthen no. Reminder: MCACC does not accept surrendered pets without a scheduled appointment. With tears, my kids and wife said goodbye and I brought him to a no-kill shelter. Shelters are basically giving dogs away just to make room for more, only to get them returned. then you are a bad person in my book and the FBI agrees w/me. No I feel they should not be aloud to adopt again even though there were extended circumstances as for the lady who after all the love. I think it should be conditional. He tore up everything- my front and back doors, my carpet, every single hanger he found, as well as dishes, toys, trash and kitchen utensils. No, they should not be able to adopt again. Although I am aware of the shortage of homes for shelter dogs, they are better off never having a family than to have one to discard them. Read their stories, and tell me if you think the persons that betrayed those dogs with an array of lame excuses are deserving to have another dog. These babies are forever, not just until something in yoiur life changes!!! How can you regulate the unregulateable? That would make the person more aware of the responsibilities to own a pet. Surrendering a dog means that you are relinquishing ownership of the pet to a shelter or rescue. A registry would create more dumped at roadside and free to good home posts. NO! I was trying to help her. No, in general, they should not be permitted to adopt again. One person surrendered their dog to acct and I had been mad at him, but then we found out that he really loved her and couldnt afford the surgery that she needed. So that any adopted dogs are abandoned it could be traced back to the human. I worked Animal Control for several years and there are very few that should be allowed to adopt again, but there were a very few that I would have to say because of the circumstances, I would have to say yes. The list should be a nationwide database. The first 3 all lived to be about 20 yrs old and died with me by their side ( my husband worked away from home, but is now retired). Im not saying that is the cause, so please dont twist my words, but it would have been helpful if they quizzed me, and gave me situations on how to handle the dog before I just signed a line and took my baby home. The SPCA cannot accept animals without appointments. Should a edict like this become law, I am sure the number of strays surrendered will double, at the very least. Surrendering a pet can be an incredibly difficult decision. Some one that did not care would just let it fend for itself and dump it anywhere. These animals depend on their owners for everything and the feelings of abandonment, fear and confusion that must run through them when their person, their reason for being, just drops them off somewhere has to be terrifying. They should never be allowed to own a pet again. 101 and/or contact our Intake Coordinator at intake@lakehumane.org. We understand that surrendering to the shelter is the last option left for many pet owners. I sponsored her so that her adoption fee would already be paid when the right family for her came in. They should be completely banned from ever owning a pet. Its probably not a good idea to charge them or make it difficult to surrender because the will dump them. So sad to give your animal away to be killed. If they cannot follow through with the one they have, they have no business getting another. I took on a boy recently who is considered a bite case these owners stressed and agonized about giving him up. However If I had to make that If your local shelter is high kill, then approach them and offer to start a foster or rescue program. 2 weeks later my older daughter (8 years old) was yelling at my youngest (4) and walked away stomping her feet. So I made the tough decision because I wanted him to live. And you somehow got the idea to adopt not 1, not 2 not 3, but 9 cats? They are doing what is in the dogs interest rather than selfishly keeping the dog out of their need and then watch the dog die. But then I got to thinking: things change. I loved that dog and I will always love her, but I couldnt force my cat to live in fear for the rest of her life and put her safety at risk, knowing it was only a matter of time before shed be killed. Absolutely not!!!! These people need to be red-flagged as high-risk for future adoption privaledges. Ooops I didnt mean to comment twice! They do not know dogs at all and are just stupid people. There is a place here in NJ that people surrendered their pets because of economy and struggling to make ends meet. My pets are my children-for as long as theyll have me! This dog spends its life with you thinking he is one of the family, and loved; then he is dumped like inanimate garbage. It makes me sick to think that people could just throw away a member of their family like that! I tried everything. Is it better that theyre so picky that dogs never get another chance simply because theres a possibility they will be returned? every night they give a public list of the dogs that will be murdered if not adopted next noon. I want this for them for the rest of their life. These people should NEVER be able to get another furbaby. That is unforgivable in my book. Because people change it would be awful to punish someone for life, i adopted a puppy and two cats from the shelter and i think it is awful when people dont want there pets anymore, better the shelter than the street though. Other times, people think they must give up their pet because they do not know how to handle a particular issue. If its the too old, too fat, too expensive, takes too much time, ate my shoes, messed in the house, barked (what did you expect it to do, yodel ?) This is animal abuse, in my opinion. Yes, there are horrible people who dump their dogs for horrible reasons. Sometimes an adopted dog exhibits behaviors not mentioned when adoptedfor example, my son adopted a boxer mix and found it to be food aggressive and it went after family members with a vengeance. All these are reasons I have heard from people trying to re-home a pet. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent, so think really hard before taking on this big responsibility. As I have said many times, make sure your life is in order before you take on the responsibility of being a pet parent! It's to help them. A photograph that went viral on social media a few weeks agoshowed dozens of dog owners, with their dogs ranging in size, age, shape, and breed, lined up outside the intake department of a South Florida kill shelter. I know each person has their reason, and ive had to give up a few pets of mine in the past for specific reasons, but i NEVER take them to a kill shelter, and most of the time i find someone whom i trust to take them in as their own pets. No marks were left but it scared me. I agree with Shannon. If the need to surrender an animal is urgent (i.e.. moving, eviction, etc.) Many animals are there. Your dog would have preferred living in a car with you. Animal welfare needs to become a more professional and less judgmental field if we want to save them all. I see them as one of my children and I wouldnt think of giving my kids up because I did not want them anymore. If a person abandons an animal whether through no fault of their own or because they dont care it still shows they are unable to care for another pet. I know that there are way too many people who have no feelings and could care less about the animal and its feelings. If I were to Judge it would all have to do with the cicrcmstances. Do you know that owner surrenderer dogs are the ones that shelter kill first? Conditionally, yes they should. Shelter attendant Taylor Milligan said that she would be best suited for a single-cat home. Now, are you telling me that Im not fit to adopt again? Most animals travel in packs or families and when you abandon them, they know it and they dont ever fully recover. Somewhat. God is not dead and is still in charge of EVERYTHING. If you are considering surrendering your pet, we strongly They got them off Craigslist, or backyard breeders, or their neighbor/friend whose dog had a litter of puppies because they were too ignorant/irresponsible to spay/neuter. By all means: live your little heart out girl, but please dont bank on affecting me, cause you wouldnt succeed for a nano-second (I wont hold my breath waiting) Have a nice day. We are seeing far too many Sr dogs being dumped because they are too cheap and lazy to do right by their companion. I clicker-trained him. Adults can take care of themselves; pups and children cannot or not well without suffering. Every night, he had tears in his eyes, and I didnt know why. Peoples situations and lives can change and sometimes people need a second chance as much as the pets. PetSmart Charities also encourages people to consider adopting pets with special needs, like sweet . Call 412-345-0348 to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff about the pet you are looking to surrender. I have five dogs. She has been on medication since I rescued her from the pound at 8-9 years of age and having been run over by a car. Education and access to resources are always so important when it comes to everything and anything including adopting a pet. Some common reasons why pet owners surrender a pet: Loss of income Can't have the pet in a rental property Major residential move Serious illness Divorce Can't afford pet's medical expenses Behavior problems with the pet, like aggression or fear Too many pets at home Birth of a child Recent incident with the pet, like a bite or attack As she stomped away the damn dog jumped up and bit her face by her eye. I dont care what excuse is given, except maybe illness or death, NOBODY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EVER HAVE ANOTHER ANIMAL EVER AGAIN, AS who knows, they may have a great life today, but what about tomorrow, and how important a member of the family is to them. Animals get attached to their family and would rather be homeless on the streets with their humans than to be dumped. No. I kept turning my back toward her and she was also going in circles, jumping on me, trying to bite me. They can help pay for training and behavior and can help you sort out whether the pet has a training issue that can be solved or an emotional issue that requires different intervention, Dr. Albright says. This could be easier on you both as it is a quick transition and you can see your cat again. I am simply amazed at how judgmental people are when it comes to things they know absolutely nothing about. My older pup, however, was supervised by a woman whose husband didnt like dogs- so around 2:30 p.m., not even an hour after Id located the dogs, she texted me that she had to have the humane society pick him up. Each one has taught me different things, and Ive adored each one for their own special traits, personalities, and the unconditional love they show everyday. Until the day that they are out of business I would live in my car before gave one of my rescues back. This program was developed to help families who need to make the difficult decision to rehome their beloved pets, but wish to take a more active role in the adoption process. Its terrible the dog or cat grow to love you and then you just throw them away like trash it breaks my heart. Even if I go with a cat instead of a dog? Luckily I only had my chiwe had to sleep in my car in different parking lots for about 3 weeks. Being a Pet Parent comes with tons of responsibility and anyone who thinks that they can just turn a family member in, does not deserve the chance to do it to another animal. Pet rescue rules sometimes leave potential adopters scratching their heads. **If you adopted your pet from another shelter or . He was going to the shelter and the rest of the family really wanted a dog so we took him. Surrender twice, 10 year ban. Just take the dog and put them on a DNA list. He snaps at the babys face and cuts the babys face and shoulder. They gives us their love unconditionally, and their loyalty. Absolutely NOT. These owners were willing to stand in a line to leave their pets. TO BETTY B . I know one shelter that wont adopt to people under 25, i think on the premise that they might be making a rush decision and not thinking about whether they want to travel, have babies or if they will have to move repeatedly (excessive house prices where I live). We should have a DNA list. It was either that or they wouldnt do the surgery. Im happy that I was able to take him, so many arent as lucky. To purposely throw away a life when there are other choices out there. When you see the connection between a new human and an old dog, your faith is restored. A national list would be helpful, but it may be difficult for people to agree on what is legitimate and what is not. Absolutely NOT!!! He became aggressive for no apparent reason. Pets must be surrendered to a local animal shelter or rescue organization. A tetanus shot and a round of antibiotics later, the shelter laid it on reaaaaal thick, made me feel worse than I already did and handled it extremely poorly in general. Absolutely not! We fostered her and after 6 weeks we found out she had cancer and she went back to her owner for another month. It gets rather tiresome to hear people vilified for doing the right thing and taking a pet to a shelter when they cant (yes, or wont) care for an animal any longer. I would have loved to have taken a 24 to each of them for their heinous disregard for life! 1-Every person that surrenders should have to fill out papers as to why they are surrendering. There should definitely be something in place to prevent it. People who hoard animals, no-adopt/buy/foster list. I think there should be a law against it. THEY DEFINITELY SHOULD NEVER, EVER AND I MEAN EVER BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A DOG !!!!!!!!! I begged my ex-husband to take his dog, and he refused instead buying a brand new puppy for several hundred dollars and volunteering to drive the Beagle somewhere far away. stray cat. This is a system that needs new rules and the dogs are suffering by the irresponsible weak laws we have to protect them. There are many who will only surrender their as a last resort, due to homelessness or illness. Because of this biting tendency, it had to be given back to the rescue group. Sorry for the long post but NO-NO MORE ADOPTIONS AFTER SURRENDERING A DOG!!! This shouldnt mean I cant adopt now. He/she is after all a member of the family. tell me what you would have done in this situation: This dumping of pets at shelters sickens and infuriates me. Unfortunately, the dogs were found (together) just outside of the neighborhood associations radar. There are millions of dogs killed every year in this county and the ones that dump their dogs are a part of those millions. When you look into a dogs eyes as their human is driving away, you lose faith in humanity. Each person standing in line was there to surrender their dog, despite being told their dogs would likely be euthanized as the overcrowded shelter simply couldnt handle all the unwanted pets. I would live in my car with my dog until I found a suitable place to live. I think it depends on the circumstances. Making the decision to have a pet means a responsibility that last many years. Definitely NOT!!! Now retired after 35+ years, I have adopted a dog (setter) I have always wanted, and will keep until she or I die. A fee of $20 is charged for surrendering a pet, and $40 is charged for surrendering a litter of two or more. When you get a dog or cat you commit to take care of them even in sickness and old age. At first, my initial response was going to be no. Many people who bring in animals are relinquishing them when they found them as strays, but many shelters do not accept strays. animals and deserve better than this. In this case, no adoption or pet for them ever. this more closely. My cat lived in constant fear, unwilling to move from the kitchen counter most of the time. They should not be allow to adopt again, dumping a baby in a kill shelter is not acceptable. She wanted to also adopt one of our transport dogs in no uncertain terms and in very clear Spanish I made it understood that she will one day be treated as she treated her dog and to not complain about it. Here are the real-life filming locations for the show. Dogs are not trash, they are not disposable, they are a family member and they are a commitment. 30 days is not enough time to put them on the petfinder or in the newspaper. One lady dumped her cat at the pound because she got a new couch. I want to say, no, but I am learning that sometimes it really depends on the situation. To me, they at least deserve someone to mourn their death. It's to help them. The cat however was totally, 101% terrified of the dog (who was about the same size as the cat). Answer. Of course they should not be allowed to adopt again. A Zebra doesnt change its stripes. However, it is important to make sure that the pet you are buying from Petco is healthy and well . What is dogs and cats did that to their owners. I agree I just had to give up my dog back to the humane society because I found out I am severely allergic to her . Would you rather people dump them in the country or leave them to starve in a backyard. If I had kept her, it wouldve been a death sentence for one of the other animals in my home. Absolutely not! Do you think if a parent puts their baby up for adoption when they are in a bad situation should never be aloud to adopt in the future when things are better & stable? People that just stop wanting one dog and will turn it into a shelter, even knowing it will probably be euthanized, will likely do it to another. Until she started attacking me. There are plenty of valid circumstances for surrendering a pet. I loved my dog dearly, he was our first baby. Although the premise seems justified to have a ban on owning another pet, I agree with previous poster, Cyndy, in making it a case by case judgment. However, if they had to surrender the dog due to sickness, homelessness or other extremely trying circumstances, I would consider it if they can prove to me that their lives are under control. Animals are not toys, or accessories that one gets tired and turns them in or dumps them out in the wild to get killed by other animals. Do your homework when checking out a breed, every dog is different. Have at it ridiculing publicgo for my jugular. Yes, absolutely. speaks volumes. It just breaks my heart for these animals! Nowadays, too many people are totally irresponsible animal owners . The difference is once they get back on their feet they can get their pet back. But then he started barking at other dogs and at other people. I think there is a legitimate reason for giving up a dog: sometimes a person who lives alone becomes very sick with a chronic condition and can no longer take care of their dog, and no one in the family will step up and take the dog. More, only to get them returned and anything including adopting a pet homework when checking out a,... Because they are surrendering out going dogs should be a parent, so really. 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if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

if you surrender a pet can you adopt again