joe rogan quentin tarantino transcript

Posted on 14 april 2023 by south bridge shooting

So when you were in school, you're taught no questions. Anyone able to timestamp/quote it for me? Right. Well, what a monster. So these people all came four for a conference and so was Daryl Davis. Tarantino's Pulp Fiction was the movie that relaunched John Travolta's career in a huge way. Just maybe just sound technologies proved much that could be. But I think reciprocity is a good policy to abide by. One of the things I really think we need to do, because I'm not one of those people that thinks like the MSM are like the media is the problem. Joe sits down with UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Jamahal Hill. Look, what is what are your thoughts on it? Right. No, no. The great aspects for sure. Sam Harris writes. You know that if you say you can't have something. The New York Times had a really good expos on this. Really young people, too. And then eventually Darrell was going to his house and eating dinner with them and hanging out with them. Are you gonna be an insider or an outsider? So he managed to attract a lot of foreign businesses to set up their multinational corporation headquarters in Asia, because the other alternative would be maybe China, but China would probably end up stealing all your, you know, your your your corporate secrets, your intellectual property. Right. Yes. And no one tells them because they not only friends. And I remember sitting there going, this is almost like legalizing drugs or it gets messy. Cause fuck it. Crazy, Richard? You flip back and forth from CNN to Fox News. I mean, what happens if you globalize to the point that China's producing all your steel and we have a war? I can't remember the name now, but it was about, you know, a free Internet. They're able to says really censor the Internet in a way that's been unprecedented. Really? Yes. Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah. I did to follow. What was his name? I don't know if that's accurate. 1675 - Quentin Tarantino - Find episodes, clips and more from The Joe Rogan Experience. It's like the whole thing of it is just so invasive. You know, you said it was amazing racist stuff. So. People definitely will die of overdoses if you make drugs legal across the board. I forgot what was going to say about him but. There's a couple things going on. And if she didn't, she didn't accept that. But if it's really funny and you're punching down, there are exceptions. You can't access Facebook, Wikipedia. And then maybe in like 2014, you know, things started to change on at least on campus when it's, you know, pluralism wasn't tolerated. Well, that's why we just are on average low. But so when you came to America when you're 17, so. Yes, he's the one talking to him. To see the rise of of this sort of more intolerant. Witchcraft. Yeah, right. Well, the Lord has a way of making things work out. Like he doesn't. That's just how it goes. He loved Tom Petty. Mm hmm. And because it's it's a government that has such totalitarian control over everything, you can expect that that whatever information or that they would have to answer to the government, whatever the government wants. You know, just like somebody who grew up in Singapore, too, we don't really have freedom of speech. And so you ask me what my culture, you know, like when I came to America. You know, dividing line between. You know, the first word, for example, the first word in the Koran is actually read. Oh, yeah. Like if they're your neighbors and they're just happy and loving. All right. It's just it's seeing it play out and see it play out so transparently. And second of all, the way to shut down ideas is not stop the person from talking. And they don't talk to when there's very little exchange of ideas in between the right and the left one. And in the case of China, obviously that didn't happen. You go to the right path, you take very entrenched. I thought a red. It's I just wouldn't trust I just wouldn't trust them. It's like having bad kung fu, you know, you're running around the world thinking you're gonna kick everybody's ass because you've never really been tested. And, you know, he's always angry. It's still better than the alternatives that we see elsewhere around the world. Well, that's a part that. So do you think that that characteristic, the seeking out that was that was applied specifically to try to limit the amount of Asian people? And then they realize, oh, this is my body's withdrawing from THC. I have to go to individuals to say, hey, you know what? And then the guys that I can't do this anymore, like, why am I in the Klan when he quit? Right. So the incident that happened was this group called this is Milwaukee had organized a conference. Phil? We don't care. Yes, scared. Right. You're supposed to be a person who promotes discourse and open minded communication. An outsider can say whatever he or she wants. And then I think the recent the Top Gun movie that's coming out, Tom Cruise to partially financed by China. What you're claiming to be preaching your ideology is actually working against it. It's to combat those ideas with better ideas. But this was this was different. First of all, they think would be a good thing. And they made it to be a woman playing the character in that piece. Right. I'm like, this is his wacky manager. I don't think that's true. Ari is a brilliant guy. But that lady is amazing. I think it's wonderful, this idea that you're getting these books, these people and converting it, converting languages so that they can understand some of these great works. Aftertalking about how he was able to sell Reservoir Dogs and discussing its production, Tarantino brought up the most memorable scene of the movie. Oh, my God. Right. Apparently, a van was was was driven into a GOP tent or something. People are stuck. Oh, I must go crazy. You're going after them. Then they can't they don't have access anymore. They don't do stupid things like drink this thing, get nervous. And Bustamante is probably top 10 of all time. First of all, some those people are trolls. Yeah. The person doing it is giant. Like like like like nobody told him the optics were right. Right. Right. And it's funny for a week because people want to release from all this nonsense. Right. The after party of. In government. I'm fucking with it. The problem. I don't know. So you didn't even get all your board. That's why somebody, Sarah Heydar tweeted something like that. Quentin Tarantino Fires Back at Critics on Joe Rogan's Podcast By Jeff Sneider Published Jun 30, 2021 The Oscar-winning filmmaker talks about Bruce Lee, his own pending retirement, and the. I mean, I am still believe in institutions. I think I think when I first started on Twitter, too, I was always enflaming or like retweeting something that was like, oh, look at this Super Bowl present around the fringe. And so it's there. Now it's so obvious it's fake. They scored really high when it came to like extracurriculars. But they they still they actually hang for drugs. That's not communication. Did he do a great job as a mayor? It's a strange way to make a living it, especially today. So it's not just mass surveillance, all this A.I. Yeah, I try to play both sides. That article was written by a weak pitch. When Steve McQueen does it, its art. You know, if you come home with like 99 over 100 for your math exam, your parents are not going to say. They they kind of have to get clicks. But it's just in a way that you think is good. The religious Christians. You know, roaming around and like telling kind of tell me you saw me. But there's there's a there's there has to be like a theory of humor. You know, I don't want this arranged marriage or whatever. No, he's in the WWE. NEXT:5 Ways Django Unchained Is Quentin Tarantino's Best Western (& 5 The Hateful Eight Is A Close Second). Entertainment, entertainment, wrestling. I don't know. He's dead. Because what I felt like a fish out of water growing up in Singapore. There's a very narrow band that you're operating in when you're wearing a suit in a tie and you're in an office. And of course, he's using his platform. And then you go into a gym where someone doesn't believe in your kung fu and fucks you up and you go, damn, that's important. I just did it to you. Change my view: haven't listened to a second of it yet but it's already an instant classic listened to his appearance on wtf with marc maron and he said the 10 movie thing was just something the press took and ran with but here he says it's legit, idk what to believe anymore, 41:10 tarantino getting amped up about andrew dice clay is so good. Published on October 1, 2021 by admin. It's not the end itself. Follow The Joe Rogan Clips show page for some of the best moments from the episodes. But some of the best pool players of all time, the C on my wall out there. I have two photos of signed photos of Filipino pool players. Brinkley, 1986, when he did this. Yeah. And if you go to these things, like when you see someone trying to close down a Christina Hoff Sommers speech, what you're seeing is them yelling. Samuel L. Jackson Slams Joe Rogan's Apology for Using N-Word, Defends Quentin Tarantino's Use "It needs to be an element of what the story is about. Right. And human beings walked, you know, basically like days apart when like we know from science that, you know, it was millions of years and fossil, you know. Yeah, but I think the African-American community is not happy about some issues that he talks really well. So it's hard. 6.30.2021 Quentin Tarantino is the sort of visionary who only sees what he wants. Bridget actually recently interviewed him on a podcast. You're you're you're you're you're applying these ancient egg during rules to a modern world. Samuel L. Jackson had a few choice words except one for disgraced podcaster Joe Rogan. Does anybody have a roadmap of how they expect all this to play out? It's like it's probably the top gun over in China. Would be nice, right? The United States is kind of a third world country compared to Singapore. That's not a problem. The best way is to listen, listen to their ideas and wear 'em out with logic. Like from a person's consumption habits, what they like. I know that you know that I know something. How did it go from third world? He he was resolute, like, you know, weeded out corruption. That lady who has the Paul Awhite or something, what is it with a full crazy crazy. Why is it why are you not concerned about the other way? Right. The one thing that's not really talked about is the classes implications of kanthal culture. Sometimes your Twitter feed is really good. Well, people are losing their fucking minds. The director explains a controversial scene featuring a dramatization of the iconic action star from his 2019 . Yeah. It's kind of the same thing when you you do something to your body to juice your body up, to make it stronger and faster and work better. But he said he's Japanese. And the way he breaks down things. And so, like, that's of all people, like, you know. The one in the middle. Well, it's also it's in that with WOAK ness in particular in the propagation of weakness, in the promotion of weakness and the very strict adherence this ideology and the aggressive takedowns of people that don't comply. He wouldn't even go to the celebration. And we're like, making this big deal out of it. And also just the culture of of, uh, like you said, celebrating with people. Was the original guy's name. And, you know, we do we contribute to campus in the same way that you're active student union leader would. Come on. Speaking on Joe Rogan's podcast, the 57-year-old explained how he responded to the idea of censorship and political correctness in his earlier days. He's an artiste. Like they were pressured and they were worried about the money. I've been told to tone down on jokes. Yeah. I think a lot of the the weakness is a sign of a cultural shift in the right direction. That's the part that that's hard to prove. But that doesnt stoppeople fromtheorizing about it, and fans even have a wish list ofactors who should return for his final movie. Samuel L. Jackson arrives for an event in October 2019. And through just communicating with them and being friendly with them over a period of many months, he got them to quit. Know that your argument sucks. And now it's that stupid movie. Wow. He's also the co-host, along with Brian Redban, of the podcast and live-streaming YouTube show "Kill Tony." Thats wrong.. It's just silly. Yeah. He's like a guy who runs some tech company or something. And what's also why it's weird when it's coming from journalists like you should know what you're doing. If you're willing to put your privacy in the hands of an entity like that, you know, go ahead. Every time someone wants an example of overuse of the N-word, they go to Quentin its unfair. Fox News Channel (FNC), often referred to as Fox News, is a cable and satellite television news channel owned by the Fox Entertainment Group, a subsidiary of News Corporation. I do too. Right. It's it's ridiculous because, you know, yes, you might find Sargon politics objectionable. You ever notice something to it? And they know that. You get more support. Quentin was explaining the difference between a "killer" and a fighter like Bruce. I'm like, of course, it's entertaining. Maybe you need your own show. I obviously I agree with you. And that's how they've created this like national identity. No. Right. The singer is a Japanese gentleman. Yeah. And their their position was if we don't do this, they're gonna copy our search engine and just steal all the intellectual property or we can work with them and provide a censored version of Google. Like, we're kind of like, you know, we've been told that there's only one way to succeed, work hard and summa cum laude and all these things. I wish I had the freedom to be as inappropriate. Yeah, it's it's this it's such a dystopian nightmare. Quentin Tarantino is Joe Rogans favorite filmmaker, so it was only a matter of time until the most successful podcaster in the world was able to wrangle theiconic filmmaker onto his show. It's like this is satanic. But in Singapore, the streets are taken care of better. Yeah. I secretly laugh at it. There's all real issues, but it's horrible. Yeah. It's it's, I think, a very healthy illusion to have that like work equals success. Why? I know by now they're not kosher anymore. Give me a second. She yeah, I dirty old crazy religious lady way I dirty melfi religiously I guess is fairly pretty isn't she. And also, when you're taught growing up not to question things and in part, I understand, because I think when you grew up in an Asian household with, like, you know, tiger parents, there's this sense of like, you don't question my authority, you know. In fact, the Houston Rockets hit a lot of contracts with the Chinese CCTV for broadcasts. And in the case of Daryl Davis, you're definitely wrong. You don't need handouts. You know, you don't want to this like boring stem people. I kinda want to work within it to change things because they have the best shot at changing things. Well, that was the method that they used to do that. Press J to jump to the feed. And that's dangerous. Academics are so strong on S.A.T. So it's I understand the concern with the plight. Really? This is one of the reasons why I don't completely hate this whole WOAK ideology. 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joe rogan quentin tarantino transcript

joe rogan quentin tarantino transcript