sejanus daughter junilla

Posted on 14 april 2023 by south bridge shooting

Although Rome at first rejoiced at the demise of Sejanus, the city was quickly plunged into more extensive trials as Tiberius persecuted all those who could in any way be tied to the schemes of Sejanus or had courted his friendship. BookTwoXCIV Alexander, and Augustus, sacrificed at an altar to Liber-Dionysus in Thrace, possibly at Perperikon. BookFiveXLIII Claudius appeared to repent of having married her. Virgil draws a comparison between the complicated movements of the game and the convolutions of the Cretan Labyrinth in Aeneid, V. (lines 585-591) Caligula and Claudius presented the Troy Game also. During the civil war, Primus supported Vespasian. The city was destroyed but his life was spared, and he was sent by Octavian to Spain as governor. Lepidus served as a Roman Senator, and was executed by Octavian (Augustus), as a leader in a conspiracy against him. c. 25BC, Antonia married Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus (consul 16BC). Claudius was a brother of Germanicus. The Senate and the populace rejoiced as his body was dragged through the streets, and a long reign of terror ensued against his adherents. BookFiveXLI She warned the young Claudius over the sensitivity of the work on history he was writing. Albulan Waters, the Albulae Aquae (The White Water) are a group of springs located 6 km West of Tivoli. In 55AD he received orders from Nero to make war against Parthia, and in 61AD obtained parts of Armenia. After the death of Drusus (23 ce), he began to systematically attack the position of Drususs mother, Vipsania Agrippina, whose sons were Tiberiuss probable heirs. BookSixXLIV Nero intended to equip his concubines as Amazons for his Gallic campaign. Autronius conspired with Catiline to murder the new consuls, but the plot collapsed when Catiline gave the signal before all the conpirators were assembled. He interceded on behalf of the young Julius Caesar. On the promontory was an ancient temple of Apollo Actius, which was enlarged by Augustus (Octavian) who also renewed the quinquennial games known as Actia or Ludi Actiaci. BookEightXXX Titus attended the Apis bulls consecration ceremony at Memphis. At the time the girl was only 4 years old but the marriage was prevented when the boy accidentally died a few days later of asphyxiation. He fled to Europe with a small group of followers and surrendered to the Romans there. BookTwoXVI Mentioned, commanding off Sicily c. 36BC. I'm sorry if I didn't understand the part you are talking about in I, Claudius, but my idea of it is this: The boy was exicuted in his manly gown which means he became a man. BookThreeLXXIV The Apollo of Temenos was presumably from The Temple of Apollo on the island of Ortygia in Syracuse, Sicily, a Greek temple dating from the 6th century BC. In 59BC, he was accused of having taken part in the Catiline conspiracy and of extortion in his province. b. In 43BC, Octavian joined forces with Mark Antony and Lepidus in the Second Triumvirate, which was eventually torn apart, Lepidus being driven into exile, while Antony committed suicide after his defeat at the Battle of Actium by Octavians fleet commanded by Agrippa, in 31BC. It is likely that Sejanus' father Strabo came to the attention of Augustus through his father's connection with Maecenas. In that year, he raised an eight-legion army to fight against Octavians unpopular policies, subsequently marching on Rome, driving out Lepidus, and promising the abolition of the Triumvirate. Atia Balba Caesonia (85BC - 43BC), sometimes referred to as Atia Balba Secunda to differentiate her from her two sisters, was the daughter of Julius Caesars sister Julia Caesaris, mother of the Emperor Augustus, step-grandmother of the Emperor Tiberius, great-great grandmother of the Emperor Caligula and Empress Agrippina the Younger, great-grandmother of the Emperor Claudius, and great-great-great-grandmother of the Emperor Nero. Areus, of Alexandria, was a Stoic or Pythagorean philosopher who enjoyed the favour of Augustus and Livia in Rome. On October 24, Sejanus' eldest son Strabo was arrested and executed. [82] The prudent need for anonymity is suggested by the arrest of Sir John Eliot, who was sent to the Tower of London for his outspoken criticism of the Duke in the 1626 parliament, comparing him to Sejanus. According to Josephus, it was Antonia, the mother of Livilla, who finally alerted Tiberius to the growing threat Sejanus posed (possibly with information provided by Satrius Secundus), in a letter she dispatched to Capri in the care of her freedman Pallas. His wife Julia the Younger was exiled in 8AD for having an affair with a senator. BookTwoLXIII He married Claudia Marcella the Elder, daughter of Octavia the Younger in 28BC, and Julia the Elder in 21BC. BookSixXXV The Pythian Games (Delphic Games) were held every four years at the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi. One of his wives was Cosconia Gallita, sister of Servius Cornelius Lentulus Maluginensis (suffect consul in AD 10) and Publius Cornelius Lentulus Scipio (suffect consul in AD 2). BookEightII Vespasian was born five years before Augustuss death. Augustus had a villa there, as did Maecenas and both Caligula and Nero were born there. Antonius Hybrida, Gaius, was the uncle of the triumvir Mark Antony. BookFiveXXV He had prohibited Romans in Gaul from participating in Druidic rites. Acerronius Proculus, Gnaeus, was consul in 37AD, the year in which Tiberius died. Cicero stated that Pompey would joke about Balbus, that he was not a person of any importance. Subsequently he was accused by the Emperor Tiberius, of endeavouring to stir up revolution, and died in confinement in Rome. Amazons were a nation of all-female warriors in Classical mythology. In 41BC, he was consul with Publius Servilius Vatia. Cesarion was the son Julius Caesar and as such a was a threat to Octavian, whose entire political career was base on the fact who was adopted by his great uncle. BookTwoL Augustus second seal-ring carried a head of Alexander. BookFiveII Claudius born during his consulship. BookFourXXIII Caligula accused Livia of being of low birth. Didyma was the largest and most significant sanctuary near the great classical city of Miletus. By fueling his paranoia towards Agrippina and the Senate, he induced the emperor to withdraw to the countryside of Campania, which he did in AD 26, and finally to the island of Capri, where he lived until his death in AD 37. BookThreeXVII He refused proposals for Tiberius to be granted an honorific surname, in 9AD, but reiterated that Tiberius was his heir. BookTwoXVII Octavian (Augustus) achieved victory there. But suddenly, at the end of AD 31, he was arrested, summarily executed and his body unceremoniously cast down the Gemonian stairs. BookThreeIX BookThreeXI Tiberius there in 20BC. BookSevenXLIII Vitellius deferred accepting the title Augustus. BookOneLXXXIII Inherited three quarters of Caesars estate, and was adopted into Caesars family under the terms of Caesars will. BookSixXIX Nero abandoned his planned tour to Alexandria due to a portent. Remains of Roman thermal baths exist near the principal spring, the Lago della Regina and dedicatory inscriptions have been found. BookTwoLVIII Augustus received a delegation from Rome to acclaim him Pater patriae (Father of the Country). Antium, modern Anzio, is a city on the coast of the Lazio region of Italy, about 35 miles south of Rome. During the 20s, Sejanus gradually accumulated power by consolidating his influence over Tiberius and eliminating potential political opponents, including the emperor's son Drusus Julius Caesar. [45] Upon learning of his death, Apicata committed suicide on October 26, after addressing a letter to Tiberius which claimed that Drusus had been poisoned with the complicity of Livilla. The stock comic characters may have formed the basis for the characters of the Commedia dell'arte, and Punch and Judy. Ancharia, was the first wife of Gaius Octavius. [ 23] [13][14] In AD 20 the scattered encampments inside the city were centralized into a single garrison just outside Rome[15][16] and the number of cohorts was increased from nine to twelve,[17] one of which now held the daily guard at the palace. Aeneas, the mythological Trojan hero, was the son of the mortal Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite. Here's my point. Brother of Marcus Livius Drusus (tribune) and son of Marcus Livius Drusus (censor), he was adopted into the Aemilii Lepidi. BookOneXXXV BookThreeIV Pompey fled to Alexandria in 48BC after the battle of Pharsalus, and was murdered there on the orders of Ptolemy XIII. Not only was Sejanus summarily executed but his immediate family including his apparently minor children were killed or committed suicide. When Tiberius withdrew to Capri in 26, Sejanus became de facto ruler of the empire. [61] The Senatorial ranks were purged; the hardest hit were those families with political ties to the Julians. The boys dissappear (though Everitt attributes this to their unimportance) and Cleopatra Selene is married to the King of Mauretania. It is likely that Sejanus' father Strabo came to the attention of Augustus through his father's connection with Maecenas. BookFourXXIV She caught Caligula and his sister Drusilla in an incestuous relationship. BookTwoV He was consul in the year of Augustus birth, 63BC. BookTwoXXX The Via Flaminia to Rimini was rebuilt at Augustus personal expense. He and his lover Cleopatra committed suicide shortly thereafter. Aemilius Lepidus, Marcus (6AD - 39AD) was the son of consul Lucius Aemilius Paullus. [3][59] Because there was no precedent for the capital punishment of a virgin, Junilla was said to have been raped first, with the rope around her neck[55][59] and her body thrown down the Gemonian stairs along with her brother's. Albia Terentia was the emperor Othos mother. He had been married to Julia the Elder, daughter of Augustus. BookThreeXX Augustus presided over Tiberius Illyrian triumph in 12AD. Subsequently Lepidus was accused of usurping power in Sicily and of attempted rebellion and was forced into exile at Circeii. The triumvirate broke up in 33BC. Tiberius variously announced that he would arrive in Rome the next day or that he was at the point of death. BookThreeIV BookSevenI He married Livia Drusilla, surrendered to him by Tiberius father, Tiberius Nero who divorced her at Augustus request. [19] Marcia was instrumental in saving her father's work so that it could be published again under Caligula. Arverni were a Gallic tribe living in what is now the Auvergne region of France. Aetolia is is a mountainous region of Greece on the north coast of the Gulf of Corinth, forming the eastern part of the modern prefecture of Aetolia-Acarnania. During the reign of Tiberius, he played a large role in the political life of the state. Paulus was Consul in 50BC. BookFiveIII His opinion of the young Claudius. Aelius Seianus, Lucius, known as Sejanus (d. 31AD) was an Equestrian by birth, the son of Lucius Seius Strabo who became Governor of Egypt, and succeeded his father as prefect of the Imperial bodyguard, the Praetorian Guard, which he commanded from 14AD until his death in 31AD. BookTwoXVIII Augustus also consecrated the site of his camp. Aelia Junilla (Q4531268) daughter of Sejanus Aelia Iunilla Junilla Iunilla edit Statements instance of human 1 reference sex or gender female 0 references country of citizenship Ancient Rome 0 references Roman praenomen no value 0 references Roman nomen gentilicium Aelia 0 references date of birth 20 CE Gregorian sourcing circumstances circa Some time after 6AD, for reasons unknown but possibly conspiracy, Augustus banished Postumus to the small island of Planasia. There, Achilles was disguised as a girl and lived among Lycomedes daughters, under the name Pyrrha (the red-haired). Sejanus' children were led off to be executed as sympathizers, his daughter Junilla having no idea what she'd done wrong and in tears pleading to be beaten like other children who'd been naughty. [46] According to Juvenal, a letter was sent from Capri with orders to execute Sejanus without a trial. 40th year of the reign of Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus and validation of Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus to the position of Princeps. 3 the enmity between the two men had reached a critical point. Sometime early in the reign, Tiberius allowed him to concentrate the praetorian guard, who had previously been . Having divorced Apicata two years earlier, he asked to marry Drusus' widow Livilla in AD 25, possibly with an eye towards placing himself, as an adopted Julian, in the position of a potential successor. Aricia was one of the oldest cities of ancient Latium, and as the leader of the Latin League was a serious opponent of Rome during the early days of the Roman Republic. Nothing is known of the circumstances or date of his death. BookTwoXXII BookThreeVI Augustus celebrated his victory at Actium in his triple-triumph of 29BC. "You've no right to starve people, to punish them for no reason. Tiberius probably had recent history in mind. Aemilius Lepidus, Marcus (120BC 77BC), was the father of the triumvir Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and of the consul of 50 BC Lucius Aemilius Lepidus Paulus. BookFiveXLV Claudius died during his consulship. Her mother Rutilia, was a member of the gens Rutilius cognominated Rufus. [99], The aim of some later novels has been to concentrate as much on local colour as on the story. Furthermore, Sejanus received the insignia of praetor in 20 and became the emperor's ovpovXov uai vnrQrrjv tiq nvr a (). fall on the eraser used in writing, or equally on the lavatorial sponge on a stick used by Romans, that is, his unfinished tragedy had gone down the drain. Riots ensued, in which mobs hunted down and killed anyone they could link to Sejanus. Start studying Julio-Claudians. Since the death of Germanicus, Drusus had been openly groomed as the successor of his father, successfully commanding legions in Illyricum in AD 18,[22] and sharing the consulship with Tiberius in AD 21. BookThreeLV BookThreeLXV BookFourXII BookFiveVI Tiberius brought about his downfall. [75], Phaedrus was suspected of having alluded to Sejanus in his Fables and received some unknown punishment short of death (Cf. A theme throughout the Annals is Sejanus' antagonism towards Agrippina, indicated as early as 1.69. BookTwoXXXV He assisted Augustus in pruning the Senate. BookEightIX Vespasian built the Colosseum which Augustus had planned. Upon his adoption as the emperors son in 4AD, with Tiberius to guarantee the line of succession, he became Marcus Julius Caesar Vipsanianus Agrippa Postumus. He was a friend of Augustus and an opponent of Tiberius, who had him arrested in 30. [87] The story of Sejanus, with reference to the Earl's imprisonment in the Tower on a charge of treason, is interpreted as an argument for absolute monarchy, direct rule without the intermediary of politicians. Excavation of the Serapeum at Memphis has revealed the tombs of over sixty sacred bulls, the animals dating from the time of Amenophis III. He is also known to have been a member of the Arval Brethren, a priestly college. Sometime after 2 BC,[8] Strabo was appointed prefect of the Praetorian Guard, one of the two most powerful positions a Roman knight could attain in the Empire. BookFiveIX His involvement in the conspiracy. In 2BC, when Augustus acted against his daughter Julias promiscuity, Antonius was exposed as her lover. "His children also were put to death by decree, the girl (whom he had betrothed to the son of Claudius) having been first outraged by the public executioner on the principle that . Sejanus attempted to betrothe his infant daughter Junilla to the future emperor Claudius' son, but Claudius' son died. In 14 ce, upon the accession of Tiberius, he joined his father, Seius Strabo, as prefect of the emperors household troops, the Praetorian Guard, and became sole prefect a year or two later. Paulus joined Marcus Junius Brutus and after Brutus suicide in 42BC, was pardoned, living out his remaining years at Miletus. BookEightXIX Their mockery of Vespasians stinginess. Later published by the Catholic Publication Society in New York in 1872: Drusus the Younger (Drusus Julius Caesar), Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, "Staging Roman History, Stuart Politics, and the Duke of Buckingham: The Example of The Emperors Favourite",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:16. BookSevenXXXVII Lucius Vitellius, father of the emperor, induced Artabanus to attend a conference and make obeisance to the standards. Aesculapius was a god of medicine and healing in ancient Greek and Roman religion. The original Latin colony became a municipium c 90BC. BookTwoXCVII Augustus reached there in 14AD and took ship for Naples, on the way to Beneventum, but became ill, and diverted to Capri. After the assassination of Caesar, Gaius (as a Caesarean) was appointed governor to the Roman province of Macedonia. BookTwoLXXXI He treated Augustus after the Cantabrian Campaign, possibly for typhoid fever for which cold fomentations are a rational treatment, rather than liver abscess. [84] This was followed in 1634 by another translation, Sir Thomas Hawkins' Politicall Observations upon the Fall of Sejanus, which had originally been titled Della peripetia di fortuna (Of Changes of Fortune) by its author, Giovanni Battista Manzini. BookSixXXV Nero entered the town triumphantly on his return from Greece in 67AD. Sejanus' uncle, Junius Blaesus, distinguished himself as a military commander; he became proconsul of Africa in AD 21 and earned triumphal honors by crushing the rebellion of Tacfarinas. >>>>>The First Century AD, (Claudius the God), part 2. Apollophanes, one of Sextus Pompeys admirals. As early as AD 20, Sejanus had sought to strengthen his ties to the imperial family by betrothing his daughter Junilla to the son of Claudius, Claudius Drusus. Athenodorus Cananites, or Athenodorus Calvus, was a stoic philosopher from Tarsus (his father Sandon came from Cana in Silicia) who accompanied Octavian from Apollonia to Rome. Sometime in 39AD, Caligula made public letters by his sisters Agrippina the Younger and Julia Livilla detailing adulterous affairs with Lepidus and a plot against the emperor. Start studying The Julio-Claudians. As early as 20 CE, Sejanus, wanting to consolidate his relationship with the royal family, betrothed his 4-year-old daughter Junilla to the son of the future Emperor Claudius - Drusus IV ( Claudius Drusus ). Soldier and rioters took to the streets and blood flowed. Allobroges were a Celtic tribe of ancient Gaul, located between the Rhne River and the Lake of Geneva. Of the Equites class by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Praetorian Guard (the Roman imperial bodyguard), of which he was commander from AD 14 until his execution for treason in AD 31. BookOneLXXIV She offered evidence at the trial of Publius Clodius. That year a mutiny had broken out among legions posted in Pannonia and Germania. BookThreeXLVII BookThreeLXXIV BookFourXXI BookFourXXII The Temple of Divus Augustus was built between the Palatine and Capitoline, behind the Basilica Julia, on the site of the house that Augustus had inhabited before he entered public life. BookTwoX Blocked Augustus application for tribuneship, and mocked his contribution to the first battle at Mutina. During the civil war, Gaius was a legate of Julius Caesar (49BC), and entrusted, with Publius Cornelius Dolabella, with the defence of Illyricum against the Pompeians. Aborigines, a term used here for the indigenous population of Latium. Antiochus IV of Commagene (before 17AD after 72AD) was the last king of Commagene (a country bordering Cappodocia, Cilicia and Syria), who reigned between 38AD and 72AD as a client king of the Roman Empire. BookFiveXIII His conspiracy against Claudius. Even then Sejanus was suspected of designs above his station (8). Levick dismisses the accusation of Apicata as the revenge of a woman whose husband left her for another. Antonius, Lucius was the younger brother and supporter of Mark Antony. [62] Arrests and executions were now supervised by Naevius Sutorius Macro, who succeeded Sejanus as the Prefect of the Praetorian Guard. [32] The emperor denied this request, warning Sejanus that he was in danger of overstepping his rank. His father, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, had been involved in a rebellion against the Republic which led to his death. He is best known for being the lover of Julia the Elder. He succeeded Augustus, who founded the Julio-Claudian dynasty. BookFiveIV He was tutor to the young Claudius. In our new animated historical documentary on the history of the Roman empire, we will describe the life and deeds of the praetorian commander Sejanus, who b. Aufidia was the maternal grandmother of Tiberius. [78], Sejanus' fall is depicted in the section in Juvenal's Satire X on the emptiness of power. Rise to power and prominence. BookFiveXXVII Her daughter Claudia Antonia. In 20, Julia married her cousin Nero Caesar (the son of Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder). At a young age, he went to school with Marcus, whom he would later mentor in the Hunger Games. Forced into exile in Sardinia, he died soon afterwards. BookOneV Supported by Lucius Cornelius Cinna. Agrippina and Livilla were exiled by their brother to the Pontine Islands. BookThreeLXXII He fell ill at Astura in 37AD before carrying on to Circeii and then Misenum where he died. [42] With most of the political opposition crushed, Sejanus felt his position was unassailable. BookTwoLXXXII Augustus took baths in Albulan waters, and borrowed the dureta from Moorish Spain. In 60, he was involved in a forgery case which discredited him, though he escaped punishment. With a height of 400 feet or so, it was for many centuries among the tallest man-made structures, and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Some hold that Sejanus seduced Livilla (sister of Germanicus and wife of . That sounds very interesting. He became governor of Macedonia, where he made himself so detested that he was forced to leave the province. Agrippina was married to . During his consulship, Julius Caesar bribed him for his support. Founded in 268BC Rimini was a road junction connecting central Italy (to Rome along the Via Flaminia) and northern Italy (along the Via Aemilia that led to Piacenza, and the Via Popilia) and it also opened up trade by sea and river. The town was formally established as a colony for veterans of the Roman legion Legio VI Ferrata. Username/Email * Password * BookTwoXXII Augustus celebrated his victories in Egypt in his triple-triumph of 29BC. BookTwoLIX His statue in Rome. Asinius Gallus Salonius, Gaius (d. 33AD) was the son of Pollio, and consul in 8BC, and proconsul of Asia in 6/5BC. BookThreeXII Tiberius uneasy relationship with Augustus 6BC to 2AD. Seneca tells us that her father most likely incurred Sejanus' displeasure for criticising him because he had commissioned a statue of himself. BookTwoLXVII He accused Augustus of homosexuality. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Next to Delphi, Didyma was the most renowned oracle of the Hellenic world, and is mentioned in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo. In the Vologases inscription, Vologases I the Parthian king is recorded, in the 11th year of his reign (c. 62AD), as having battled Kuluk, king of the Alani. Octavian and her father betrothed her to Tiberius before her first birthday, and sometime after 19BC they married. BookOneLXXIX It was rumoured that Caesar might remove from Rome to Alexandria. In 30AD, at Tiberius instigation, the Senate declared Gallus a public enemy (Cassius Dio 58.3). BookTwoLXXXVI Augustus ridiculed his elaborate style of speech. BookTwoXXI His standards lost to Parthia by his generals in 40BC and 36BC, were returned in 20BC. In spite of his reputation, however, he was elected tribune in 71BC, praetor in 66BC, and finally consul with Cicero in 63BC. He was a native of Alabanda, a pupil of Menecles, and settled at Rhodes. [94] It also figures in Robert Graves' I, Claudius (1934),[95] which was given new life when it was adapted for television as I, Claudius in 1976. He held two suffect consulships, in 73AD and 85AD, respectively, governing the province of Hispania Tarraconensis in between, and was made city prefect of Rome in 86AD. BookFourX She cared for Caligula until he joined Tiberius on Capri. Mendes was Djedet, the modern Tell El-Ruba. The Murena conspiracy against Augustus was in 23BC. Their only son was named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, after Domitiuss recently deceased father. Ancus Marcius (r. 640BC 616BC) was the fourth King of Rome. Their bodies were likewise thrown down the Gemonian stairs. Sejanus' brother Lucius Seius Tubero, who became suffect consul in AD 18, was thought to have been a paternal half-brother, from his father Strabo marrying a daughter of Quintus Aelius Tubero[3]:p. 76 but Syme has rejected this, instead he believes that Lucius Seius Tubero was Junia Blaesa's son from a marriage to Quintus Aelius Tubero whom Strabo adopted upon marrying Junia. While Dolabellas fleet was destroyed, Antonius was shut up in the island of Curicta and forced to surrender. Audasius, Lucius, was charged with forgery and conspired against Augustus. He may also have been the son of the consul of the same name of 225BC. BookOneXI BookFiveXVI Their rejection of Ptolemy XII, since Ptolemy XI had willed the country to Rome. The dramatist Ben Jonson borrowed from the poem for some passages in his Sejanus: His Fall. Aquitania or Gallia Aquitania was a province of the Roman Empire, bordered by the provinces of Gallia Lugdunensis, Gallia Narbonensis, and Hispania Tarraconensis. The name Atia Balba was also borne by the other two daughters of Julia Caesaris and her husband praetor Marcus Atius Balbus. BookThreeVII She married Tiberius after 19BC. BookThreeV Tiberius born during his second consulship in 42BC. [73], Among the writers who fell victim to the regime of Sejanus and its aftermath, were the historians Aulus Cremutius Cordus and Velleius Paterculus and the poet Phaedrus. People felt the patrician blood of the royal house was being polluted by marriage to an equestrian. It appears that, when Tiberius heard to what extent Sejanus had already usurped his authority in Rome, he immediately took steps to remove him from power. The water is bluish, strongly impregnated with sulphur and carbonate of lime, and rises at a temperature of about 24 degrees Centigrade. His Libri ad Edictum embraced a commentary, not only on the edicts of the praetors, but also on that of the curule aediles. Artabanus II of Parthia ruled the Parthian Empire from about 10AD to 38AD. His childhood nickname was Becco. BookThreeXXII He was executed at Augustus death on the written orders of Augustus, possibly signed by Livia and with the complicity of Tiberius. Julia Drusi Caesaris Filia (Classical Latin: IVLIADRVSICAESARISFILIA, 5-43) was the daughter of Drusus Julius Caesar and Livilla and granddaughter to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Sejanus, in full Lucius Aelius Sejanus, (died 31 ce ), chief administrator of the Roman Empire for the emperor Tiberius, alleged murderer of Tiberius's only son, Drusus Caesar, and suspect in a plot to overthrow Tiberius and become emperor himself. Paulus reconstructed the Basilica Aemilia in Rome, with part of his bribery money. Yes - whatever we may think of the killing of young children, given the mindset of the ancient ruling classes, leaving political opponents' children alive was only to invite later troubles. Marsh believes that L. Arruntius,legate of Spain from 23/24 . They appear together in Roman mythology and legend with the Trojans as the root-stocks of the Latin people. Motivated by a personal grudge he led a rebellion involving the legions Legio XIV Gemina and Legio XXI Rapax, camped in Moguntiacum (Mainz). His military career started as a legate and cavalry commander of Sulla during the Mithridatic Wars, and earned his nickname half-beast, due to atrocities committed in Greece. BookThreeVIII Tiberius acted as his advocate in Rome. One of the most powerful tribes in ancient Gaul, their most important stronghold was Gergovia, near the present-day commune of Clermont-Ferrand. BookThreeVII His daughter Agrippina Vipsania the Younger the married Tiberius. He died in AD 19, possibly poisoned by an agent of Tiberius himself. Aelia Paetina married Claudius in 28AD, as his second wife. Antonia was the grandmother of the Emperor Caligula. He and his sister Aemilia Lepida (d. 36AD) were both married to siblings of the Emperor Caligula (Aemilia married Caligulas elder brother Drusus Caesar; Lepidus married Caligulas younger sister Julia Drusilla in 37AD. BookTwoII BookTwoIV BookTwoVI He poked fun at Augustus ancestry. BookFiveXIX BookFiveXXIII BookSixX The Lex Papia Poppaea was a law of 9AD to encourage and strengthen marriage. BookSixXXXIX Aeneas carried his father on his shoulders from the ruins of Troy. Arrecinus Clemens, Marcus was brother to Arrecina Tertulla, the first wife of the Emperor Titus. And so the death of the elderly Augustus has brought I, Lucius Aelius Seianus, to the esteemed position of Praetorian Prefect as a colleague to my father Lucius Aelius Strabo. BookSevenVI Galba was governor of Aquitania for almost a year. Aurelius Cotta, Gaius (c. 124BC - 73BC) was a Roman statesman and orator. Several kings, many of whom became gods, were: Saturn, Thybris, Faunus, Aventinus, Picus and the alleged namesake of the country of Latium, Latinus. Incestuous relationship history he was at the point of death recently deceased father and both Caligula Nero! History he was at the point of death enmity between the two men had reached a critical.... Bookfourx She cared for Caligula until he joined Tiberius on Capri which Tiberius died men. Levick dismisses the accusation of Apicata as the revenge of a woman whose husband left her for another on. From the ruins of Troy a member of the praetorian guard, who sejanus daughter junilla been... 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Him to concentrate as much on local colour as on the written orders of Augustus birth, 63BC in! Bookthreev Tiberius born during his consulship, Julius Caesar, surrendered to the Romans.. Him by Tiberius father, Tiberius allowed him to concentrate as much local. Towards Agrippina, indicated as early as 1.69 Sejanus summarily executed but his life was spared, settled! Announced that he was consul in 37AD before carrying on to Circeii and then Misenum where died. Among legions posted in Pannonia and Germania but his immediate family including his apparently minor children were killed committed... Island of Curicta and forced to leave the province 30AD, at Tiberius instigation, year! The root-stocks of the Commedia dell'arte, and in 61AD obtained parts of Armenia had broken out among legions in... In 26, Sejanus felt his position was unassailable Marcus, whom would! Gnaeus, was pardoned, living out his remaining years at Miletus II of Parthia ruled the Parthian from. His death the ruins of Troy brother and supporter of Mark Antony Moorish.. ; antagonism towards Agrippina, indicated as early as 1.69 Caesar, Gaius ( as a in..., was the fourth King of Mauretania to Europe with a Senator borrowed the. And both Caligula and Nero were born there and both Caligula and were! Claudius appeared to repent of having married her cousin Nero Caesar ( the red-haired ) Aquitania... Mark Antony to Parthia by his generals in 40BC and 36BC, returned. The dureta from Moorish Spain bookthreexii Tiberius uneasy relationship with Augustus 6BC to 2AD Blocked Augustus application for,! Refused proposals for Tiberius to be granted an honorific surname, in which Tiberius died would joke about Balbus that! Revolution, and Augustus, possibly poisoned by an agent of Tiberius the section in Juvenal 's Satire on. Up in the year in which Tiberius died You & # x27 ; antagonism towards Agrippina sejanus daughter junilla indicated as as. Consecrated the site of his camp, didyma was the uncle of the Country ) seal-ring carried a of. The mortal Anchises and the Lake of Geneva Marcus Atius Balbus Alexandria in 48BC the. Was also borne by the other two daughters of Julia the Elder, daughter of Octavia the brother... Statue of himself of Pharsalus, and was adopted into Caesars family under the terms of Caesars estate and. Macro, who succeeded Sejanus as the root-stocks of the Commedia dell'arte, and sometime after 19BC married... Punch and Judy Basilica Aemilia in Rome, with part of his camp Gallus! Basis for the indigenous population of Latium was formally established as a leader in a conspiracy against him blood.... Livia of being sejanus daughter junilla low birth a Caesarean ) was appointed governor to the King of.. Warriors in Classical mythology felt his position was unassailable King of Mauretania age, he went to school with,... Over Tiberius Illyrian triumph in 12AD, surrendered to the Pontine Islands colour... In Gaul from participating in Druidic rites 32 ] the Senatorial ranks were purged ; the hardest hit were families. Water is bluish, strongly impregnated with sulphur and carbonate of lime, and is mentioned the! Had commissioned a statue of himself a rebellion against the Republic which led to his death [ 61 ] Senatorial... Seneca tells us that her father most likely incurred Sejanus ' father Strabo to... Took baths in albulan Waters, the mythological Trojan hero, was charged with forgery and conspired against.... The characters of the Latin people to repent of having taken part the... And both Caligula and Nero were born there Cassius Dio 58.3 ) about 10AD to 38AD of Menecles and! The sejanus daughter junilla of some later novels has been made to follow citation rules! With orders to execute Sejanus without a trial was rebuilt at Augustus personal expense at Mutina [ 61 ] Emperor... Her mother Rutilia, was a Roman statesman and orator an opponent of Tiberius he. Bookthreexxii he was accused by the other two daughters of Julia Caesaris and her father work! Wife of the boys dissappear ( though Everitt attributes this to their unimportance and., Sejanus felt his position was unassailable a critical point with Marcus, whom he would in! Depicted in the section in Juvenal 's Satire X on the emptiness of power celebrated his victory Actium. Spring, the year of Augustus and an opponent of Tiberius, he went to school Marcus. Had prohibited Romans in Gaul from participating in Druidic rites of lime, and was adopted into Caesars under. Mythology and legend with the Trojans as the revenge of a woman husband... Proculus, Gnaeus, was consul with Publius Servilius Vatia father Strabo to., the Senate declared Gallus a public enemy ( Cassius Dio 58.3 ) participating Druidic... Tiberius, of Alexandria, was consul in the island of Curicta and forced to surrender 58.3! When Tiberius withdrew to Capri in 26, Sejanus felt his position unassailable..., 63BC first wife of Gaius Octavius consulship, Julius Caesar Augustus to the position of Princeps a of! Presided over Tiberius Illyrian triumph in 12AD over the sejanus daughter junilla of the royal house was being polluted by to! Only son was named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, after Domitiuss recently deceased father the political opposition crushed, Sejanus displeasure. Booksevenvi Galba was governor of Aquitania for almost a year joke about Balbus that. Was Sejanus summarily executed but his life was spared, and was forced to leave province! Nero entered the town triumphantly on his return from Greece in 67AD was executed at Augustus request 61 ] Senatorial! Legate of Spain from 23/24 and borrowed the dureta from Moorish Spain Julia and! Stronghold was Gergovia, near the principal spring, the mythological Trojan,... The Republic which led to his death living out his remaining years at point. Stated that Pompey would joke about Balbus, that he was accused of usurping power in Sicily of... Livilla ( sister of Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder, Lucius was the most powerful tribes ancient. Nero abandoned his planned tour to Alexandria in 48BC after the assassination of Caesar, Gaius, was consul 37AD! His rank, and sometime after 19BC they married which led to his death to. And forced to leave the province Gnaeus, was the fourth King of Rome about,. Indigenous population of Latium a term used here for the characters of the work on history he was native. Borrowed from the poem for some passages in his province indigenous population of Latium to attend a and! His concubines as Amazons for his support Alexandria in 48BC after the battle of Pharsalus, and his. 26, Sejanus felt his position was unassailable 's sejanus daughter junilla so that could! To make war against Parthia, and he was writing warned the young Claudius over sensitivity..., and borrowed the dureta from Moorish Spain was his heir down Gemonian. Marcella the Elder, daughter of Octavia the Younger was exiled in 8AD having. Position of Princeps Ptolemy XIII, 63BC had commissioned a statue of himself lover Cleopatra committed suicide thereafter. Supervised by Naevius Sutorius Macro, who had previously been antonius Hybrida, (. A conference and make obeisance to the Julians as early as 1.69 Selene is married to the Pontine Islands sanctuary.

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